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It's the last section of class and you all know what that means, or do you. Yuna was staring at the ticking clock on the wall.

She's been looking at the clock since the beginning of this class. The youngest was looking at it, not very intensely bcuz the teacher would look at her with a weird look.

The clock was ticking, making the younger very nervous. She sweat a bit and gulped all her saliva down. One minutes left untill Yuna can meet her doom or whatever that's gonna happen to her.












RANG!!!! The students walked out of their classes, the hallway was full of their chatter and smiles on their faces. Meanwhile, the bunny-like girl was struggling to her way to Yujin.

Once she finally did it, she got pushed and flopped on the floor. She saw someone's shoes then she tilted her head to reveal Yujin.

" Yuna-yah, you ok?? " the older asked, bending down and lending her a hand. The younger had no time to waste so she grabbed her hand and was pulled to a standing position.

" Thanks. Also, if you see Eomma, tell her that I'm taking the bus " she said with a smile, not a genuine one. Yujin nodded her head then waved at the younger as she ran off.

Yuna waved back then sighed in relief that the older didn't suspect a thing. But then again, she also couldn't believe that the older fell for her lie.

The younger just shrugged then proceeded to run before you know who was gonna be there. Thoughts kept on coming in the younger's head as she kept on running.


After running or excersing for the bunny girl, she arrived at the field that's behind the school. She stopped her track and begun panting heavily as she leaned against the bleacher's side.

As she was listening to the sound of her panting, she unfortunately didn't hear the footsteps of people walking behind her. Soon, one of the people walked up to her then tapped her shoulder.

Yuna tilted her head then turned to her left side, looking at them with a stunned look. She then stood up immediately in a proper standing position.

" So you didn't forget now, hm?? " Yeji asked with a smirk.

Yuna didn't respond back instead she just hung her head low.

" Btw how's your quiz results?? " the short hair girl asked. They all looked at her with a stunned look.

" Oh it was surprisingly not bad. I got an A " the youngest said with a smile, tilted her head.

" How you know about that?? " the leader asked.

" I helped her yesterday "

" Wow, so you didn't bother to tell us the details?? " Jisu asked.

" Ok, can we just get on with this??!! My Eomma is gonna wait for y'all until Winter comes!!! " Yuna yelled angrily. They all turned to her then the leader cleared her throat.

" So haha this is gonna be silly but would you like to be our girlfriend?? " Yeji asked.

The youngest looked at the oldest in a very very stunned look. Her eyes widened as she heard the oldest's question.

" W-what " Yuna asked with hesitation. Her cheeks was red tinted as she got flustered a bit.

" I'm meant pretend to be our girlfriend " Yeji said. ( This is like Deja Vu from one of my stories )

" Tsk. Then, what if I don't want to?? "

" We can pay you for being in a fake relationship with us " Chaeryeong quickly said.

Yuna then looked at her closely with a suspicious look. She then turned to the field and make a thinking expression.

She think and think and think and think until she finally agreed to their ridiculous offer. She nodded her head then turned to ITZY.

" Nah, sure why not. How much tho?? "

" Maybe 1000 won per month " Ryujin said.

" Per Month??!! How long are we planning to keep that up??!! " Yuna asked in shock.

" Depends on when she'll finally leave us alone " the short hair girl replied.

" Who's She??? " Yuna asked.

" The girl who you just snapped at in the cafeteria earlier. She's our biggest fan or more like a saesaeng " Jisu said with a disgusted look.

" Oh, don't even remind me. That girl has more makeup than Kim Kardashian " the youngest said with another disgusted look.

" Anyways, soo are you in or are you out?? " Jisu asked.

" Well, we're technically at the field so- "

" She meant if you're taking the offer or not " Yeji cut off the youngest sentence.

The youngest then thought about it one more. Eventually, she nodded her head then received a smirk on their faces.

" Oooho. You won't regret about it, bunny girl " Yeji said.

" Oh great. Now can I go?? " Yuna asked, crossing her arms.

The leader sighed then nodded her head. The youngest smiled then skipped into the school like a little kid.

ITZY looked at the youngest until she disappeared from their sight. The two olders let out a chuckle which made RyuRyeong turned to them.

Jisu looked at them then continued to have a straight face. Yeji did the same but deep down, she just wanna expose her smile despite the time when she promised her self to never treat people nicely anymore.

" Did y'all just chuckle?? " Chaeryeong asked with a small smile.

" What smile?? " Jisu asked back.

" Don't try to deny, unnie. We both already showed our soft side to Yuna. Now it's your turn " Ryujin said then received a yawn from the leader.

" I'm talking to you too, Hwang Yeji " the short hair girl said.

" Hm, fine. I'll try " Yeji replied.


Yuna walked into the house with Ms. Shin walking behind. The younger walked upstairs without looking back.

She walked into her room and shut the door immediately. She leaned against the door and slowly letting her butt touch the floor.

She took her bag then pushed it onto her face. She let out a scream then lifted her head up to sigh. She looked at the floor, leaned her head against the door and rethink her decision for the offer.

It's this right??? It's this wrong??? Am I gonna get hurt by them?? Hopefully, no. Oh my god, Shin Yuna. Why you must bumped into them in her first place??!! Yuna thought.

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