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School had finished and the next day will be the weekend so Yuna rushed out of the building with a happy smile. She had to go alone bcuz Yujin had other plans with a certain someone.

Without even mentioning that someone's name, Yuna already gave her a mischievous grin. Anyways, the younger ran into a nearby convenient store for food.

She browsed through every aisle then immediately found sandwich with spicy mayo in it. Her eyes instantly travelled to the sandwich as she was a bit hungry.

The younger's hand went for the food. Suddenly, another hand appeared and touched Yuna's. They both immediately turned their heads to each other.

There she was, in front of the younger's eyes, Yeji again. She smiled at her and pull her hand away. Yuna raised her eyebrows then slowly took the sandwich.

She also took the same sandwich at the back and gave it to the older. " Here, now we both even " Yuna said.

She casually walked pass the older then her arm got pulled by Yeji. Before she could even yell, she felt a pair of lips were smashed on hers.

Her eyes grew widened and her body became a little stiff. All she wanted was to stay out of ITZY's sight and let her heart be unbroken but she failed.

Her feelings for them starting a grow more and more. Including, ITZY's feelings but the younger doesn't know that.

So in no seconds to spare, she kissed her back and cupped the older's cheek with her left hand.
While the other one was still holding the sandwich.

Yeji grinned between the kiss when Yuna responded to it. Her arms wrapped around her slim waist. As she was about to bite her lips, one of the employees scolded at them.

" Yah!! This is a convenient store, not the bar!! Are you two gonna buy anything, tho?? "

The employee broke the lovely kissing moment and went back to moping the other aisle. The two girls looked at each other for a while, still hadn't move an inch.

" Oh btw, you two looks so cute together as a couple " the same employee said with a smile then went back to moping the floor.

The younger's eyes widened then unwrapped herself from Yeji's arm. She looked at Yeji who seems so confused at the younger. Yuna ignored that and ran to the cashier to pay.

Why she look so frightened?? Did I stole her first kiss already?? Oh damn. But the moment was good, tho. Yeji thought.

Then, she turned to the door which was opened by Yuna who just ran out. At first, she wanna know what's wrong with her but she decided to ignore and thought that the younger must be in a rush.


The younger rushed into her house and shut the door quickly which created a loud bang sound. She leaned against it and started panting like crazy.

Mrs. Shin saw it then ran towards her child and cupped her cheeks. "  Oh My God, are you ok?? Why your face red?? Are you sick?? Want me to get some soup?? " Mrs. Shin asked.

Yuna stared at her for awhile, blinked her eyes twice then shook her head. She took her mother's hands away and walked to the dining room.

" I'm fine, Eomma. I just ran from our bus stop to here " she said with an assured smile. She took out the plastic wrapper and bit her sandwich.

Phew, thank god I ran outta there. The tension was getting high when we kiss. Shit!! My first kiss was taken by Ryujin unnie and Chaeryeong unnie. Now, Yeji unnie!! Nah, I'll just worry bout that tmrw. Yuna thought.

The doorbell rang and Mrs. Shin opened the door. Yuna tilted her head then glanced at the window that was built in the kitchen.

Her eyes travelled at the peaceful small garden outside the window which made Yuna calmed.

Then, the younger heard a voice so she turned her head to that person.

" Yuna-ah, your friend is here. Make yourself at home, dearly " she smiled at the girl then walked away.

Yuna looked at the girl and immediately dropped her sandwich on the counter. She stood up and trying to push her out.

" Uh, what are your doing, bun bun " Yeji said, chuckling at the younger's action.

The younger sighed and stopped with what she was doing. She tilted head and backed away from the older.

" Why are you here?? And how you where I live?? " Yuna asked.

" It doesn't matter. Also, I'm just here to apologize for stealing your first kiss " Yeji hung her head low for the last part.

At first the younger looked at her in disbelief and was about to scoff but when she saw the look of guilt in Yeji's cat shaped eyes, her heart suddenly melt.

" That's.........actually nice. But wait- this ain't a prank, is it?? " Yuna looked at the older with suspicions.

Yeji tilted her head then shook her head. She walked towards the younger then peck her lips.

" Does that prove that I'm sorry?? " Yeji aksed innocently with a smile.

Yuna opened her mouth but words didn't come so instead she turned away and crossed her arms.

" Yes " she answered with a pout.

" But I also have something to tell you, unnie " she said, facing the older with a serious face.

" Um ok "

Yuna sighed heavily then looked at the older for awhile.

" You didn't stole my first kiss "

That's when Yeji's smile dropped and Yuna's scared level went up the limit.

" Then who?? "

Yuna didn't answered as her head hung low.

" Tell Me!! " Yeji shouted but not too loud that Mrs. Shin could hear.

" Ryujin unnie and Chaeryeong unnie" Yuna answered quickly with her eyes closed.

Yeji saw that the younger was scared from her shouting so she decided to leave the younger alone. She walked to the door then out of the house.

Yuna opened her eyes and tilted her head up to ensure that Yeji went out already or not. She sighed in relief then continued to eat her sandwich.

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