🖤【Part 4】🖤

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Jisoo and Taehyung walked in enwoo s' room only to see toys were everywhere in floor junior was sleeping in the bed while his face is red .....

Jisoo,, did you take his temperature yet..

Taehyung:: I did before I went looking for you it was 39 degree Celsius..

39 degree Celsius that's too dangerous for a child..  ,,said jisoo

Our family doctor has prepared some, but junior is not letting come anyone near him,, said Taehyung

Take his temperature again ,I am going to take a look at the medicine....., said.

Sure they are in the room next door,the butler will take you there...

In the room..

Jisoo was checking medicine
Jisoo s'pov

Seems like they have prepared everything

Back in the junior s' room

As she enters she saw eunwoo was in Taehyung s' arm while Taehyung was rubbing his feet. .

Taehyung: did you fall for me??
She didn't release she was staring him nonstop

Jisoo: have you checked his temperature yet??
She Said ignoring his question

Taehyung handed her the 🌡 temperature..

Jisoo:: it's 39.2degree , ge will need a fever reducing shot  and and an IV drip . Is he allergic to any medicine..

No he is not  ,,said TAEHYUNG

With that jisoo slowly took eunwoo s' leg in her hand to insert the drip 💉 injection,  eunwoo  gripped on Taehyung s' coat tightly..

Taehyung: be good,Don't move..

As jisoo was done with her work Taehyung started saying comforting words to eunwoo..

Taehyung: its alright now...

Time skip ..

Now it was time to remove drip from his foot ..

Jisoo: okay.  Now apply pressure here. 
She said while taking out the injection...

Suddenly eunwoo started  struggling in Taehyung s' arm , he was kicking his leg and Hans here and there. 

Taehyung: what's the matter now little guy...

Taehyung: you are hopeless aren't you..
Said to jisoo

Jisoo: would you like me to give it a try...
She said to Taehyung,  immediately regarating her decision..

Jisoo pov ,, I shouldn't  cozy up with them ...

And as Taehyung give eunwoo in jisoo s' arm ,he tightly hugged her like koala ...

Taehyung: I have explained to your superior in the hospital,  you will be here for the rest of the day , having a meeting at 10 in the Morning, and I can only return  earliest by 6 in the afternoon,  pls help me take car of junior util then...The butler and nanny will tell you what you have yo do , Junior only allow me and  you to touch him, so they can't be of any help..

Jisoo nodded her head. .

Taehyung came closer to jisoo and patted her head making her blush

After sometime..

Eunwoo was sleeping peacefully in jisoo s'  arm  and suddenly she heard and knock on the door...

Butler: miss jisoo , it's time for lunch now. ...

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