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"WHAT U LOOKING AT HOE ." the tension at the party was getting high between both mariah and imani's attitudes this wasn't gonna end well. "obviously im looking at u since u OBVIOUSLY have a problem with me." imani had sat her bag down to the side and tied up her hair and mariah did the same.

"OOO THEY FINNA START FIGHTING !" notti had yelled and everybody and they mama's had got out they seats , circling around them. as everybody pulled out their phones imani got into her stance putting her fist up. "so bitch u read-."as  mariah was trying to get her words out imani had put her on mute by punching her in her mouth.

everybody started going crazy over that punch , mariah had fell onto the ground and imani had got on top of her starting to punch mariah over and over again in her face until she had became unconscious. just as she was getting in her last punches ddot had pulled her off mariah and dragging her out into the house.

"LET ME GO !" she had kicked and screamed but he had covered her mouth as they got into the living room he had threw her on the couch. "why tf would u do that i wasn't finish getting in my last hits ." she looked at her knuckles to see them bleeding and few scratches on them. "you good ?" he had sat next to her and looked at her hands seeing they were busted up, he got up and went to the bathroom and came back with a medkit.

he had put the medkit on the edge of the couch and got on 1 knee and grabbed her hand. "you beat the brakes off of mariah." he laughed as putting on the neosporin where there was cuts. "so did u lie when u said u and mariah werent together when we first met ?" even though it probably wasnt her place to know if he was lying or not but it was only right to know the truth.

"nah , she was just one of the girls i was messing around with nothing to serious." imani was kinda happy to hear that but she still mad at him for declining her calls . "alright but why tf was u declining my calls earlier u bozo ?" she had raised her other hand and smacked the side of his head. "yo word 2 u not finna be hitting me like ." he had grabbed her by her neck and looked into her eyes.

the eye contact was intense she had felt like he was staring into her soul. she was kinda scared but she honestly kinda liked how they could hold eye contact for a long time , she had leaned in and kissed him. 

she backed away after a few seconds but he didn't wanna stop , he leaned in and they started kissing again he had got up on the couch and put her on his lap but as things were starting to get good for them somebody had walked in.

"yo bro what are yall doing !" notti had covered his eyes as nia just stood there in shock. imani was embarrassed seeing that she was finna get it on with him on somebody couch. she had pressed her head on his chest trynna brush off the embarrassment. "bro get out yall cock blocking rn ."

they laughed and left the room imani had looked up and was about to off of him but he grabbed onto her waist "hold on can u just stay for a min ." the tone in his voice made it sound like there was something wrong . "why whats wrong ." she looked at him concerned on what happened but then she looked down to see "it" sticking up.

"put a pillow over it buster , i gotta go ." she had grabbed a pillow for him and got up off him. "and maybe we could see each other later on this week if ur not still declining people's calls." she walked out to the back to get her stuff she had left outside and went back home.


it was currently 10:30am , imani was sleeping like a lil baby until she had heard a huge thud. she had jumped up and she opened her eyes adjusting to the light looking around her room to see what had fell. but seen everything was still in place , she had laid back down and closed her eyes dozing back off into an endless slumber until she had heard the banging noise again.

she threw punches at the air and had threw her pillow on the ground hoping that whoever was banging would stop. but they had kept going she had groaned in disappointment and got up out her bed and made her way downstairs.

when she had got downstairs she slowed walked towards the door and looked through the peephole to see notti and ddot standing at the door. as she took a deep breath she had seen notti turn around and was about to kicking the door but imani had quickly opened it.

"dont u even think about kicking this door." she said sounding irritated. " looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed ." notti had looked at her with an awkward smile seeing that her hair was all messed up and her shorts was turning into coochie cutters. imani had slow started to close the door but ddot had pushed it right back open.

"omg what do yall want , i just wanna go to sleep ." imani was irritated and just wanted to get back to her bed but the two dorks at her front door was stopping her. "we came to get u , everybody already at the crib." she looked at them in confusion wonder what they meant by "everybody". "wym everybody is at the crib , is this some kinda stick up ?" " man if u dont get yo ass upstairs and go get ready." ddot at grabbed her hand and took upstairs to her room.

" ddot at grabbed her hand and took upstairs to her room

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