5.The test

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The written test wasn't all that hard as he thought. Were they exaggerating? Hey, he may not have decent education but he did have homeschool. That man didn't want his successor to be an illiterate person. He didn't know what his peer learn, but somehow he dared to say he's kind of a smart guy.


Kaminari was standing outside the gates of UA deadpaning while the other students had stunned or excited expressions on their faces. He just couldn't believe how big it was. Like, way too big for a school. Principal Nezu must have been rolling in dough to be able to afford this ridiculously huge school.

Being an assassin for many years, he found that life was never a simple case of black and white. He'd seen heroes do anything for money and fame, not truly driven by justice. He himself had been the bad guy, murdering another for the greater good. As Kaminari entered the building full of young aspirants honing their skills as would-be heroes, he felt a surge of emotion rush through him - how could he be among these naive children so full of hope and potential?

Kaminari felt a wave of guilt wash over him. He couldn't help but admire their dedication and ooptimism.

He knew he had to do something, he wanted to use his knowledge and skills for good, not evil - and this was the only place where he felt like that could be done.

He went to the large stadium.

There was a blond with sunglasses appeared on. That was none other than Present Mic.

"Welcome to my live show!" Volume of his voice almost deafened him. It did not help that he had acute senses.

"Everybody say heyyyyyyy!" Kaminari quickly covered his ears and used some magic to protect his ears, he really needed to tone his voice down, especially for people like him with heightened hearing abilities.

Awkward silence answered him.

Long story short, Present Mic explained that we needed to fight some villain robots to gain points. A to G training grounds, 7 battle centers. He got to the Practice Center C.

Memories of the Harvest Festival stirred in him, when he had to collect ingredient to earn points. Luckily, he and Iruma did well enough to even place first and be crowned Young Kings. Devi... these were memories that still lingered long after the festival was over.

He's starting to get excited about the test. Maybe first place could be his again, he hummed.

He wondered if there's also hidden points other than that.

But the question is what is the hidden exam?

If there're Villain points by destroying robots then there must be...Hero points.

And that could only mean one thing...

Helping and rescuing fellow students in need.

Well, wasn't this just your typical hero school?


The fake city.

He could only say it's big.

One center was this big then how big were all of arena? Were their budget unlimited?

He readjust his clothes. A simple black shirt and a simple black shorts.

But the special thing about his cloth was...

Present Mic was on top of a building "And start."

He quickly soared high, above those students, leaving them in awe.

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