the explosion

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There was an explosion in the hospital today it was scary and there was smoke and fire. On the children's ward a car hit into the wall and that car exploded luckily no one was hurt. I was the closest one they could count as being hurt. Riley and I were sitting in the lounge like we always do because boys can't have girls in their room and it's the same the other way around so no boys in the girls rooms. Riley is like my big brother he is 3 years older than me because I am 16 so he is 18.

The first explosion hit and I was so scared the lounge filled up with smoke so quickly. We didn't have time to get out before we couldn't see my lungs start to fill with smoke and I started to cough and I fell to the floor. Because I have a tumour in my lungs I can't take a full breath and with all of the smoke pouring in I couldn't get a breath at all.

I heard Riley call out my name but I couldn't respond. I felt arms under me and Riley picked me up and was yelling Charlie please be okay I need you please Charlie please. I gasped and opened my eyes. Riley had my head cradled in his arms and was crying he rolled me onto my side and I coughed up a pile of black ashes it was still hard to breath and my head was throbbing. Riley was by my side the whole time. He stayed untill the nurses got their.

I needed an emergency surgery because one of my lungs had collapsed. During the surgery I went into cardiac arrest I was dead. But they bought me back from the dead. I was in a coma for over 2 weeks. And the minute I woke up I called for Riley I yelled for him and the door to my room came flying open and Riley burst in his face red and blotchy from crying. He ran straight to my side and collapsed practically on top of me he was crushing Me owwwwww Riley I screamed. He got off in such a hurry and was repeatabley saying sorry sorry it's okay I say softly.

How do you feel asked Riley I say ready for bed. He says don't close your eyes Charlie I'll go get the nurse. He went and got the nurse but by the time he got back I was sound asleep. He told me when I woke up that I was practically falling off the bed so he had to pick me up and put me back in bed before I really did fall out.  Is slept a lot after I woke up from the coma. But when I was better Riley and I started playing a lot of cricket with all the other boys because there aren't many other girls my age in the kids word their are some younger ones but no one to really make freinds with So i was with Riley and the boys most of the time and at least they didn't mind me being their.

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