Open eyes

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I opened my eyes and found Riley right there by my side. Charlie he yelled as he ran over to the bed. How do you feel can you breathe Are you ok. I'm ok Charlie said. I'll go get the nurse said Riley no said Charlie I just need you ok Riley said softly. Can I get on the bed Riley asked yes, said Charlie. Riley gently lifted Charlie's torso up she winced as his hands slipped under her ribs he held her up just long enough to slid under her so that when he laid Charlie's torso back down her head was resting in my chest she closed her eyes and fell asleep her head on my chest my hands in her hair.

The next day the doctors had to run some test on me to see if they could stop me from passing out all the time and they found out why I have diabetes. The doctors taught me Riley and Sam how to treat and monitor it and for the first time ever I was aloud out of the hospital I was going to Paris.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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