1. The beginning

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Your first memories of you and Tom as friends are very clear: you're playing in the playground when you're in primary school.
You play and talk about things that a lot of 7-year-olds talk about at your age, like parents, canteen food and the teacher who doesn't seem to like you.

You and Tom were very close from the age of 7 until you were 11. At that time, to pursue your dream of becoming a singer, you had to move from Germany to the United States.

You were never able to reconnect with Tom.
On the day of your departure, you cried a lot at the airport, and Tom and you couldn't keep your hands off each other. But you promised him you'd come back to see him when your career took off and you became famous.
This loss affected you a lot, and it affected Tom too, but after 1 year you couldn't cry about it anymore, so you decided at all costs that you were going to work heart and soul for the song.

You went on auditions, people were amazed by your sweet angelic voice, and you were even featured on CNN, who saw you as the new hit singer who could break the music industry. Your parents support you wholeheartedly in everything you do at this time.

4 years later.

You've finally fulfilled your biggest dream, singing with incredible singers and have fans all over the world. You're on TV a lot and your social networks are soaring.

But one day an encounter will turn everything upside down.

Your agent calls you because an international group by the name of tokio hotel has asked you to work with them and sing on their next song, so that they can go on tour to sing it.

You tell your agent that you'll think about it and hang up the call. You decide to look up who tokio hotel are on the Internet, and you see the different names of the artists in the group, as well as their reputations.

In this group there are two twins, Tom and Bill, and this name immediately stuck in your head. You remembered how you started out, the games you used to play, but you didn't recognize him, so you tell yourself that it's just a coincidence and that there's no way it could be the Tom from Germany.

You call your agent back and ask him to put you through a call with Bill the singer.

Y/N - Hello, it's Bill, isn't it?

Bill - Yes, this is Y/N I presume.

Y/N - Yes, hello, it's an honor to meet you.

Bill - Thank you very much. To what do I owe this call?

Y/N - I heard from my agent that you wanted me to feat on one of your songs?

Bill - That's right, can we meet in Berlin to discuss the details with the other band members?

Y/N - I've got a flight from Los Angeles to Berlin tomorrow at nine, so it'll be a pleasure, but where can we meet?

Bill - Come to our music studio! ******* is the address.

Y/N - Okay, I'll see you then.

*hello ! so this is the translate of my most famous story, hope y'all like it and i will translate other chapters later as well as my new story.*

TikTok : ev.k4ul7tz

My dearest friend ? Tom Kaulitz. ENGLISH VERSION!!Where stories live. Discover now