11. Here I Am Again

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3 Years past.

Your career is the best we could ever hope for an artist like you, making millions with every album release and selling out concerts in just a few minutes.

You've toured the world several times, playing in Seoul for example. You've hardly done any feats since your song with the tokio hotel.

You've kept in touch with them, especially Bill and Tom, who have become your best friends.

You've forgiven Tom, you were teenagers but now you're over 19 and better able to understand feelings. You've been doing better since your attack in Berlin, you just have a lot of scars all over your body.

Today you took a 2 week vacation to finally meet up with Bill and Tom. Tom has never really been out of your head since you left, you love him but you know that once he's grown up he's become a womanizer with experience. And you know that with fan girls it would be unthinkable for him to get involved in a relationship, especially with you.

You go to the airport and take your flight to Berlin to meet up with your friends.

You arrive in Berlin at 3pm, and a crowd of photographers rushes towards you, but you just give your suitcase to the driver and get into the car in front of the airport.

Once in front you see them both, Tom and Bill. They've changed so much, Bill cut his hair short and Tom has ditched the dreadlocks for black braids.


I was waiting for Y/N with Bill, we started to hear some commotion and that's when she got into the car. Y/N, the real her, she has become a thousand times more beautiful than she was 3 years ago - her curves are defined and her slim, angelic face is so beautiful to look at that I can't take my eyes off her.


From the moment I saw Tom I couldn't take my eyes off his face, his features are more defined and more adult than the teenager he was 3 years ago.

Y/N - Hello there! *you hug them*

Tom - You're finally here, you're long! *laughs*

Bill - It's good to see you again, you've changed so much!

Y/N - *laughs* Ahah thank you! You've changed a lot too. So Tom we've ditched the dreads?

Tom - I was fed up with them and I prefer my hair like this.

Y/N - And you Bill? No more long hair?

Bill - *laughs* Yeah i kinda want it like this now.

Y/n - It suits you so much better!

They drive you to your hotel before you go upstairs and tell you they're expecting you at Tom's for 7pm. You accept and take your suitcase up to your room.

It's 4pm and you've got plenty of time you change into a black Versace dress and Yves Saint Laurent heels. You do your hair and make-up and it's now 6pm. You go downstairs and rent a car, a crowd of paparazzi follow you to your rental car but you just smile at them.

You leave towards Tom's house. You arrive early and decide to buy some booze for a bit of fun. You get back to Tom's house around 7pm. You ring the bell and Bill opens the door.

Bill - Wow, Y/N, you look great!

Y/N - Thanks Bill, you look good too!

*you both laugh*

Y/N - By the way, I bought this. *you hand him the bag with the liquor bottles*.

Bill - Oh, I'm not much of an alcohol person myself, but I think Tom likes it!

Y/N - Ohhh you're not funny! Where is he anyway?

Bill - I don't know, wait. TOM Y/N IS HERE !!

Y/N - You're screaming your head off!

Bill - Thanks, it's a talent of mine !

Suddenly you hear someone running up the stairs and it's Tom, looking better than usual.

Tom - Oh hi Y/N ! *hugs you.*

Y/N - Hi Tom! *hugs him back.*

Tom - So what are we going to do? Shall we go clubbing?

Bill - Yeah, if you like!

Y/N - Let's go!

You drove to a club in the suburbs.

Once there you throw yourself into the crowd and start dancing, Bill talks and makes a few friends and Tom looks at you out of the corner of his eye.

You go over to the bar and have a few drinks, but don't overdo it. You return to the dance floor and feel hands on your hips, Tom's hands. You're delighted before you realize Tom's drunk. You'd been dancing for 30 minutes and hadn't seen him at the bar.

Y/N - *turns around* Tom are you ok?

Tom - Yes... i am !

Y/N - Yeah, no, we'd better get to your house.

Bill was already gone with friends of his, you put Tom's arm on your shoulder and help him walk straight. You get into the car, put Tom in the passenger seat and buckle him in.

Tom - But I can do it alone !

Y/N - You're drunk Tom, stop it.

You're driving along while Tom talks to you about everything, without any real coherence in what he's saying until this sentence.

Tom - You know, Y/N, I've always loved you, ever since we were little.

These simple words warms your heart, but he's drunk and probably doesn't know what he's saying.

Y/N - Tom stop lying, i know you don't love me.

Tom - I swear I'm not lying !

Y/N - We're here, come on.

You pull him towards the house and ask him for the keys, he doesn't listen to you, you look in his pockets and find the keys. You open the door and drag him to his room.

You leave him to get into his pyjamas on his own, even if it takes a while. You knock and enter his room, where he's standing in his pyjamas, staring at the floor.

Y/N - Tom, are you okay?

Tom - Yes, the floor's moving.

Y/N - Well, let's get you into bed.

He gets into bed, but you've had to tuck him in to make sure he's asleep. Just as you're about to go out, Tom speaks to you.

Tom - Y/N please don't leave me alone.

You can't tell him no, he's drunk, what if something happens to him?

Y/N - It's okay, I'll stay i just need to change.

You take a t-shirt from his wardrobe and a pair of shorts. You change in the bathroom where you can hear him talking to himself and it makes you laugh. You go back into the bedroom and he's waiting for you with a big smile.

You tell him you're going to sleep in the living room, but he decides otherwise and pulls you towards the bed. You didn't resist and slept in his bed with him.

My dearest friend ? Tom Kaulitz. ENGLISH VERSION!!Where stories live. Discover now