6. The Post

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2 days later.

These two days have been particularly cold between you and Tom, without knowing why having seen him with this girl has brought you back to the reality that he's no longer a kid and that he's surely a heartthrob with their millions of fans. The day of your first concert, in Paris, Bill comes to pick you up in a tour bus you've never taken before in your life, but Bill explains that it's complicated for several people to find a plane and so on.

You settle in with your suitcase and handbag and put on your headphones. The driver picks up all the members of the group before taking off for Paris. No one is sitting next to you, just Bill in front talking to you, but he prefers to go to the front if any of you want to sleep.

Tom is behind you, talking to Bill a few times but not to you. 

So you fell asleep on the bus. 


I can't talk to Y/N again since she saw a fan of hers with me, I don't dare talk to her and I think she doesn't either. I've ruined my chance of getting back into her life.

She fell asleep, so I asked Bill for advice:

Tom - Bill help me break the ice with her? 

Bill - Don't worry, we're on our way and I'll talk to her, but I'm sorry, I don't know, you love her, you have to know, don't you?


Voices rouse you from your sleep, but you keep your eyes closed, not understanding what they're saying, so you decide to open your eyes. You see Bill and Tom talking, but you don't want to talk to them yet, so you keep your headphones on and listen to the music. 

After a few dozen minutes Bill turns around and tells you that you've arrived at the hotel in Paris. You go out first with your suitcase, invaded by flashes of cameras and French people asking you questions, and you just run to reception.

The others arrived shortly afterwards, so you checked in and went to your respective rooms.

As usual, you immediately unpack your suitcase and your concert clothes. You slump down on the bed and a knock at your door opens the door: 

Y/N - Oh hi Bill! How are you?

Bill - I'm fine, thanks. I've come to talk to you about Tom.

The name gives you butterflies but you must never mention it, especially not to Bill.

Y/N - Oh, there's a problem with Tom?

Bill - Yes, there is, I'm telling you because he's your friend and he'll be able to confide in you more than in me because you're not family. He doesn't talk as much since you came, so I don't know why you should go and talk to him?

Y/N - Uh, yeah, no problem, I'll do it if you like.

Bill - Yes, thank you very much Y/N!

Bill comes out of your room, you don't want to go and see Tom, especially if you're going to see him with another girl.

But you tell yourself you're doing it as a friend and for Bill.


I heard Bill going to talk to Y/N but I don't know what I hope he didn't say anything to make her doubt me. I'm stressed Bill told me he was going to fix things but how?

Someone's at the door.


You walk towards Tom's room and knock. He opens the door and speaks to you.

Tom - Yes Y/N?

Y/N - How are you, Tom?

Tom - Good, why?

Y/N - I don't know, you don't seem to have been feeling well for a few days. Are you sure everything's all right?


I want to tell her I love her so much that I want her by my side forever but we've got a lot of catching up to do and I want to do it right this time.


Tom - Yes, everything's fine, I'm just a bit stressed about the tour, we're going to be playing everywhere and it scares me.

You open your arms and he gives you a hug, he didn't hesitate for a second, which makes you happy. 

You don't like to see people stressed or sad, you always do your best to support them, and even if you've been on the outs with Tom you can't let him suffer alone.

It's around midnight when you feel Tom's arms flailing, he's fallen asleep on you as you did with him the day before. You can't carry him, so you pull him onto the bed so he's lying down and put his comforter on him (everyone else is already in their pyjamas).

You feel someone pulling you towards the bed. It's Tom and you tell him you have to go to sleep and that you'll see each other tomorrow. Instead of sleeping with him, you give him a cuddle before going back to your room.

Bill was waiting for you.

Bill - Well? Is he all right?

Y/N - Yeah, he's just stressed about the tour and everything.

Bill - Thanks Y/N and good night!

Y/N - Good night Bill!

You go back to your room and go to bed.

Your alarm goes off at 6 a.m. You're the first to wake up because you can't hear any noise coming from the other rooms. You do your hair and make-up, put on some ordinary clothes and prepare a bag with your stage clothes for the concert in Paris. Once all this is done it's 7am and you go to the breakfast buffet and some fans notice you and ask if they can take photos with you. 

You never say no, so you oblige.

You're on your phone the whole time you're eating and see a few posts go by, but one catches your eye. 

A post from the press with a photo of you and Tom last night. It's a photo from the window - a photographer must have seen us. You think to yourself.

The title of this post is "International star Y/N and Tom Kaulitz from tokio hotel as a couple?"

You stare at your phone in incomprehension, but you keep it all to yourself.

Tiktok : ev.k4ul7tz

My dearest friend ? Tom Kaulitz. ENGLISH VERSION!!Where stories live. Discover now