16. Bervely Hills

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You leave for the hotel to go to bed, but you can't sleep, the face of your attacker burned into your memory. Bill has apologized a thousand times for inviting you, but you tell him not to worry.

Tom called his agent to ask for a week vacation. He told you he'd pick you up before he left for the airport. It's a good thing he's still with you, you thought.

That's all you could think about, his wandering hands and you crying your eyes out as you struggled. Tom couldn't sleep with you, but you told him it didn't matter because you'd be in the States together.

Sacha came to console you before going home to sleep, bringing you all the love you need during this tragedy.

You can't sleep, it's impossible for you, you listen to music, tidy your room and even watch a film. You can't close your eyes, you're alone in that room and it scares you.

At around 3 a.m. you finally manage to fall asleep, but you're quickly awakened by your alarm clock, which goes off at 8 a.m. You have to leave, again.

You have to go away, once again, and leave everyone behind.

Turning off your alarm, you get out of bed with difficulty, repack your suitcase and dress comfortably for the 12-hour flight ahead. Tom is due at noon.

You wait a long time, then try to hide your dark circles with make-up, but it's no use. Your dark circles are purple and very visible, so you put on sunglasses to hide your face a little better.

Around 11:50 Tom tells you he's downstairs waiting for you, so you go downstairs with your suitcase and he helps you put it in the car.

Tom - Everything okay Y/N?

Y/N - I haven't slept much, I see him everywhere.

Tom - I'll sleep with you if I have to, to make you feel better.

Y/N - Yes..no problem!

He smiles and starts driving to the airport, where your private jet is waiting.

You hop in and stand next to him.

Tom - Y/N?

Y/N - Yes Tom?

Tom - Did you get any sleep last night?

Crap. You don't want to worry him, but you can't lie to her either.

Y/N - I didn't fall asleep until 3am.

Tom - I'm here, okay?

Y/N - Thanks a lot, Tom.

You start to fall asleep and Tom puts his hand on your thigh before rubbing his thumb against it.

He stays on the phone the whole flight but makes sure you sleep.

You wake up about 2 hours before landing and feel a head on your shoulder.

Tom has put his head on your shoulder and is sleeping peacefully. His hand is still on your thigh, and you're melting inside. You love him and it may be mutual after all, you thought.

You stay on your phone and Tom sleeps, but he sleeps so much that he puts his head on your chest. You can't say anything, he's so sleepy. But you like it, he feels safe with you and you with him.
Before landing, you gently wake Tom.

Y/N - *touches Tom's arm* Tom? We're about to land.

Tom - Umm..*stands up* Wow uh I..I'm sorry to put you to sleep on your chest.

Y/N - *laugh* I couldn't tell you were asleep.

Tom - I'm sorry.

Y/N - It's okay, don't worry about it.

The plane heads for the ground, it's 2am in Los Angeles.

You get off and your luggage is returned to you, your car was still in the parking lot. You get in and Tom does too, driving to your luxurious villa in the Beverly Hills district.

Tom can't believe you live alone in this gigantic house.

Tom - It's just you in the house?

Y/N - Yeah! My parents moved to Palm Springs for their retirement. It's just us.

Tom - That's fine with me. Do you need help with your suitcase?

Y/N - Please, it's a bit heavy.

Tom takes both your suitcases and you help him find your room.

Tom - Wow, how can you afford all this luxury?

Y/N - In the United States it's cheaper than in Germany.

Tom - Okay, okay, I see.

Y/N - Shall I show you around?

Tom - With pleasure!

You show him the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, the 3 other bedrooms and yours with a view of the beach. You also show him the home cinema and the basement bar with pool table, pinball machine and casino games.

Tom - How can you have all this and be alone?

Y/N - Yeah, I don't know, I don't really have any friends here.

Tom - How come?

Y/N - The hypocrisy of the other artists here disgusts me, I can't be friends with them.

Tom - I understand. Do you want to go to bed? I'm really tired.

Y/N - Yes, me too.

You go up to your room and take a shower, and Tom takes his after you. While he's washing you change but Tom has forgotten something to wear and has to leave the bathroom.

He comes out with a towel around his waist and you're in your underwear.

Tom - WOW. I-I *shut the door quickly* sorry Y/N!

Y/N - It's not the first time! *laughs*

Tom doesn't answer and looks uncomfortable, you've seen his abs and how can I put this...You've really enjoyed it.

You get into your pyjamas and jump into bed. Tom comes out of the bathroom and stands next to you.

You smell his freshly applied shower gel. Tom starts to fall asleep and you fall asleep on his chest.

Tom - Good night Y/N.

Y/N - Good night Tom, sweet dreams.

At his words, you fall asleep in each other's arms.

My dearest friend ? Tom Kaulitz. ENGLISH VERSION!!Where stories live. Discover now