My favourite teacher

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Hello! I am still disappointed that Mr Aizawa didn't let me die and he won't let me leave his sight anymore.. Denki found out and won't let me leave his sight either, right now I'm in Mr Aizawa's dorm listening to him while he talks to me about the surprise.

He then gave me a box and I opened it, the box had a piece of paper in it.. I'll read it to you.

Dear Izuku Midoriya,
We would like to you to know
That Shota Aizawa has recieved
Full custody of you after finding
Your mother has been ignoring you.
Your mother has been arrested for
Child neglect.

(Insert name here)

That is what it said, I looked at Mr Aizawa and gave him a small smile.. He gave one back, he only ever smiles at me, Denki and Present mic.

He then stood up and walked to me, when he was near he hugged me. I was shocked but I hugged back and began to cry, I told him about the bullying.. All of it even the ones that happened in middle school.

I then saw his face and he looked really angry, I was afraid he was going to hit me but he just began to cry as he slowly let go off me.

He then told me about his past, he told me about his bullies, about his homelife and how he also wanted to kill himself when he was younger. I immediately hugged him again repeatedly saying the word sorry, after ten times of saying it Mr Aizawa interrupted me saying "stop apologising problem child" I then said sorry one again, he then glared at me making me stop.

I then saw a tear go down his face as he began to cry, I wiped his tears away after letting go of him, but he wouldn't let me stop hugging him which was weird because he usually hated hugs. Then he said something and it made me think he had another quirk even though I knew he didn't, "Your an exception" he then stood up while holding me in his arms.

I already knew he wasn't going to let go even if I tried to fight it considering I'm still weak from last night I immediately passed out in his arms, he brought me to his bed and layed me down on it tucking me in. He then grabbed his sleeping bag and fell asleep on the ground next to me.

I woke up a few hours later and it was already eight o'clock at night. I looked down on the ground and Mr Aizawa was still in his sleeping bag, while I was looking at him I noticed him staring at something on the wall he looked terrified.

I looked at the wall and it was just a fake spider, I picked it up and dropped it on Mr Aizawa I then regretted it after he passed out. I waited for him to wake up again so we could talk, he said that I had to go to therapy.. I'm not doing that NEVER EVER! I'm not telling someone I don't know my problems!


Especially when it feels like nobody listens to you.. when it feels like nobody wants you around.. when..when it feels like you just want to disappear..

It's hard to tell people what type of problems we're having.. so we just.. keep it hidden.. it's unhealthy yes... but we feel like we would get judged if we revealed them... but.. that's the way of life I guess..

After thirty minutes Mr Aizawa finally woke up,he then walked out of the room and I followed him.

I saw that there was some pancakes on the table but for some reason I was to scared to eat them.. was it because I stopped eating two days ago? was it because I was afraid something would happen.. I mean the last time I had pancakes the class decided to put poisonous ink on them and I almost died.. although I kinda wish it worked..

He told me if things got worse to tell him straight away, I said yes but... that was a lie. I wasn't going to tell him anything I've already revealed enough... why should I reveal more?.. I already feel like a burden.. if I tell him I'll be an even bigger burden then I already am..

Hope you enjoyed this chapter it took a while the author kept forgetting about Wattpad and it also working on some things for their YouTube channel.

Anyway the author would like to speak to you.


Hello!!! I'm soooo sorry for not posting this -_- as Izuku said I've been working on stuff and also forgot about Wattpad.

Anyway! See you in the next chapter I can't promise it'll be out anything soon but I can assure you it will be posted.

Bye! ^^

*Author + Izuku have walked off the stage*

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