Chapter 8

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Poppy's POV
Standing dumbfounded, I started to blush as I was faced with the four men who I practically devoted everything too. Mary smiled brightly and starred wonderstruck towards George.

"Determined are we?" Paul asked, referring back to my vigorous actions

"Possibly" I said, mentally painting over my nervousness with a hard shell

"Nice to see you girls" Paul winked to me then nodded to Mary as he politely walked toward the bus

"Don't get to high" John smirked towards me walking past me brushing against me slightly

"No guarantees" Mary laughed

I gave Mary a funny look and she shrugged with a perky smile. I followed behind the beloved Beatles and over to the bus. Paul started taking to everyone. Every now and again I glance at Mary, her and George were exchanging looks. They became more flirtatious with each one.

I scanned around looking from person to person. I caught John's gaze when Paul finished talking, I looked away quickly not wanting to embarrass myself. I leaned back on the bus and watched as Mary obviously the one with the guts, walked over and started a conversation with George. I prompted my sunglasses up the bridge of nose and watched as people started getting on the bus, I waited until everyone was on then walked over to the door.

"You some type of anti social?" Asked John, walking up behind me

"If you want to put it that way" I shrugged

"You're a toughie" He chuckled, I laughed slightly as I got in the bus

"Possibly" I smiled.

Written by Hannah

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