Chapter 19

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Mary POV :||

Another long day of filming, with another long night.

I was up all night, crying. It was hard, knowing I was drugged for sex and sex only.

It wasn't easy, yet, I saw it coming. I should of used my brain, and I should of said no.

But, I'm not the best at using my brain.

I got out of bed, and looked out the window. No one at the pool. I'll just go there to relax. And try to forget about George.

I slipped on my robe, and opened my door quietly. No one in the hall. No one to be seen. I snuck to the elevator, and pressed the button 1.

I made my decent to the lobby, and hurried to the pool.

It was peaceful. And it was quiet. I looked at the water, and thought how nice it would be to jump in and never come back up alive.

Written By Chandler.

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