Chapter 48

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Poppy's POV

We walked out of the house, my mind was in a blur. Why did he not want her in that house so bad? Regardless, we found George coming up the sidewalk and Mary ran to him, hugging him tightly with tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" George asked

"He kicked us out of the house, what are you doing here?" I questioned

"John told me that you guys were here, so I came to find you. I wanted to meet Mary's dad but I guess that's not an option anymore" George sighed, kissing Mary's head

"Maybe it be best if we just when back to our flat" I sighed

"I guess so" George shrugged.

We made it back to mine and Mary's flat. John -still sitting at the table with his guitar- looked up with a smile.

"I take it you didn't have much luck?" John asked

"He kicked us out, old bastard wouldn't even talk to us" I sat down next to John and he gave a half smile

"I think I'm gonna go to bed early, goodnight" Mary sniffled, rubbing her eyes

"I'll stay the night" George smiled following behind Mary

I waited until I heard the door close, then looked to John. He chuckled at my abruptness then raised his eyebrows.

"What?" He asked

"He has more kids" I spoke

"Who? Mary's dad?" John asked, turning his attention to his guitar


"How many?"

"I don't know"

"Why do you think she set him off?" John asked

"Her mother?" I shrugged

"What did she do?"

"I'm to tired to remember" I chuckled resting my head on Johns arm

"Maybe her mother did something bad? They got divorced didn't they?" John said


"Maybe Mary reminds him of her, I mean the divorce probably happened after Mary was born right?" John shrugged

"Steady on Sherlock" I smiled

John put his guitar down and took his arm from my grasp. Standing up, he pushed his chair in and took my hand, lazily I stumbled following him up to my bedroom. He sat me on the bed and smiled.

"Go to bed" He kissed my head and started his way out

"No, you're staying"

He smiled and turned back to me, and I put my hand out for him to grab.

"You're lucky I don't have to be anywhere tomorrow" He said

We both got under the covers, and John pulled me into his arms. I sighed contently, closing my eyes.

"I hope they're not doing anything sexual in there" I grumbled, making John laugh

"Goodnight, baby" He kissed my head and I snuggled in closer

"Goodnight" I yawned.

Written by Hannah

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