Chapter 34

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Poppy's POV
You can only do something so many times, before it becomes boring or too over played. I decided I'd go back home, my dad needs me more then I need to be here. I'd tell John, and the rest of them. Then leave.

I walked back to the hotel and up to my room, I started packing and let my many thoughts race through me head. I finished getting everything I needed done, then headed to John's room.

I knocked on the door and waited, he opened it with a small smile and let me in.

"What's up?" He asked

"I wanted to tell you that I'm heading home, my patience has run out" I sighed sitting on his bed

"Going back to ol' liddy pool" John chuckled

"Yeah, I guess Mary isn't who she used to be anymore" I shrugged

John sat next to me on the bed and wrapped an arm around me, he kissed my head and I put my arms around his stomach.

"I'll see you when I get back, okay?" John mumbled

"Yeah" I said

"Stay safe baby, I hope your father does well too" John squeezed me tightly and I looked up at him

"I love you" I smiled

"I love you too" John kissed me and cupped my face in his hands

I told him goodbye and left his hotel room. I got my stuff, left the hotel, got a cab to the airport, and soon found myself on a plane back to Liverpool.

Written by Hannah

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