[4 - Kidnapping]

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I walked through the portal and I saw Purifier getting rid of the mouthful of sand she got from my push.




"Why not? I needed you to wake up, and not be a lazy bum, Purifier."

"W-what, I am NOT a lazy bum Arbiter!"

"You are, accept it."

"Why should I!?"

"I outrank you?"


"So I order you to accept it."

"Hmph. Fine."

After the somewhat heated debate with Purifier, Observer Alpha came through the portal with a smile.

"Did you enjoy the sand oh so graciously given to you by Arbiter, Purifier?"

"Oh yes of course Alpha, SHUT UP."


I turned to Alpha after getting my daily fill of mocking little Puri.

"So, are you willing to mention that plan now, Alpha?"

"Yes. It is quite simple actually."


"We kidnap his daughter."

"Wait, seriously?"

"What? Are you opposed to such an idea?"

"Kind of, I mean, she is innocent?"

"As if that has stopped us before, Arbiter?"


"You're one to talk about not harming innocents. You had no heart for humans in the past."

"That may be true, but for some reason, it just doesn't feel right this time."

"We'll get you evaluated once we get back. For now, let's complete the mission."


We had teleported to a remote area a few miles away from a city where the admiral's daughter resides. With our speed, we arrive in no time, and Alpha disguises the three of us so that we look like normal humans, aside from our eyes of course.

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