Chapter 4

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So sorry this took so long :( Life happened and I've been in a writing funk since I started writing the chapter after the last update. I worked on some practice pieces to try and get out of it, but I wouldn't expect another update super soon :(( I'll update when I can though!! The brainrot is still strong, and I really don't want to abandon this piece :D There is a slight trigger warning for violence near the end of the chapter, but it's nothing too graphic (bl**d mention and canon gunfight) so please be aware <3 I hope you enjoy this chapter! Love and Peace <3

Yes I Am a Pisces, and Yes I Commit Tax Fraud

"You're hired."

"You can't be serious," you mumbled, an exasperated look crossing your face.

The little man sitting across from the two of you smiled deviously. After walking for so long, you were tired enough to not want to argue. Vash, on the other hand, took this as a golden opportunity to make a bit of cash. You just wished it wasn't for this guy; he was sketchy as shit, not to mention the episode's antagonist.

The town had been losing more and more of its water supply, and money didn't feel like it was worth as much. While this certainly drove out bandits and gangs that had hoped to steal any of the above (seeing as there wasn't much left), it also drove out the citizens. They had been driven to the point of desperation. And yet, this stupid, short rich guy was the only one left in the town - you wondered how anyone else didn't see him as sketchy. Oh well.

Vash took it upon himself to get you two the job seeing as you were both listed in the ad, so you might as well see it through. Until the rich guy inevitably gets arrested, that is. Besides, he was letting you sleep in his nice mansion on plush beds. You were not about to pass that up to go sleep in another dingy inn or the middle of the desert.

That being said, it's been two days since you and Vash were hired on as Mr. Cliff's bodyguards. It was this third day that loud knocking and insistent voices came from the front door.

"I'll get it," Vash happily said. He headed away from the living room area to answer the door soon after.

"My dear," Mr. Cliff looked over at your form leaning against the wall. "Would you retrieve her to say hello to our new guests for me?"

You nodded and excused yourself to retrieve the current house guest, the supposed granddaughter from some other wealthy family. It didn't take you long to reach the room she was staying in. Despite being hired to portray yourself, your role as security guard felt a lot more like that of a butler. Cliff took a liking to using you as such, leaving the "ace gunman bodyguard" role to Vash. Just another thing that made you dislike the small man - not that you ever liked him in the first place.

"Mr. Cliff requested you join him in welcoming some guests," you said once you entered her room. It looked like she had just changed back into her disguise, and was in the middle of putting her hair back into its fancy up-do.

The blonde woman gave you an incredibly fake smile, "I'll be down in just a moment, thank you."

You closed the door, quietly grumbling to yourself about how much of a shitty actor the sheriff was. You would never say it out loud, but you were also a bit jealous because of the woman. Vash had taken a liking to her, wanting nothing more than to catch a glimpse of her in the tub or stick by her side whenever he noticed her presence. It left a bitter taste in your mouth, seeing as just a few days ago he had (drunkenly) cuddled with you in your sleep.

It doesn't matter, it's just a silly crush. I shouldn't get so worked up about it.

Yet that bitter taste lingered.

Tuesday AfternoonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang