Chapter 15

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Hello! I don't know how often I'll be able to update for the next couple of months since I have a bunch of upper level courses with a heavy workload this semester, but I'll do my best to update again soon!
It's All Falling Into Place

You jolted awake, sitting up in bed with a start. Your head was pounding.

Wait- you suddenly realized. Bed?

Sure enough, after blinking away the fatigue and sleep from your eyes you found that you were in a bed. The room around you looked a lot like Vash's room on Ship 3, high-tech and various shades of gray but a lot more bland and run down. Like no one had taken proper care of it since the crash. The bed was still really comfy, you had to at least give them that.

You glanced around, looking for some kind of way you could possibly escape before one of the Guns appeared. Just when you were about to get out of bed to inspect the window, the door hissed open.

"Ah, good. You're awake."

You glared at Legato, who was likely here to get some kind of status on you for Knives.

Oh my god. You had done it, hadn't you? You revived him. The thought of having to see him only made your headache increase in intensity.

"Don't be like that, Starlight," Legato scolded. "You're safe here. Lord Knives has ordered us not to touch you."

You scowled, hoarsely asking, "Why?"

"You're his savior," he grinned. "And a plant at that. He wants you to be comfortable here."

"I don't know about that," you muttered, mostly to yourself. If Legato had heard you he didn't say anything.

"You still look tired, Starlight," Legato cooed. It sent painful shivers down your spine like he knew something you didn't. "Get some more rest. I'll give our Master an update on your condition in the meantime."

"..How long have I been out?" Your voice was hesitant. You weren't sure how long you had been asleep after draining the cube, never mind how long you'd been held captive here with the Guns.

"Don't worry about that," Legato said, giving your head a very awkward pat.

You narrowed your eyes at him but decided against saying anything more. He was acting... weird. It was like he hated you with his entire being but needed to act like he somewhat didn't to save face. For all you knew, this was him buttering you up before someone actually came in to kill you.

"I'll retrieve your creature from Elendira after I inform our Master that you need more rest," he suddenly mentioned from the doorway.


You couldn't think straight anymore, the pounding headache you had making the task of just thinking painful. Whatever creature he was talking about could wait until after you woke up again.

If you weren't killed in your sleep first.

•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•

The second time you woke up went much smoother than the first. Legato had come in again very briefly to return Psyche - the aforementioned creature, of which you were incredibly glad to see her still alive - while you were asleep, staying until you woke up and told him how you felt. (Which, ew? Creepy much?) Then he left to inform Knives you were awake again and feeling better than yesterday.

As soon as he was gone, you resumed looking around the room for some means of escape. The sooner you were out of here, the better. You didn't want to be here now that Knives was alive, especially after that weird moment with Elendira and how weird Legato acted when you first woke up. Something was up, and frankly, you wanted no part of it. The bad parts of it, that is (aka, anything to do with Knives and the Gung-Ho Guns).

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