Chapter 8

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I can't believe it but uhh I almost got hit by a train yesterday while I was driving my mom and her friend to the state fair for a concert 🤩 I think the railway warning lights malfunctioned or something because they didn't start flashing until my car was literally on the tracks and there were no arms to block traffic installed at that particular intersection. Almost shit myself when the lights started flashing and there was bright ass light in my face and the train horn blared into my very soul. BUT I LIVE AND SO DOES EEP (my halloween themed Jeep) SO HERE'S ANOTHER CHAPTER! LOVE AND PEACE <3

There's a few places I didn't really like where I went with the chp so I might come back to rewrite this chp, but probably not. Idk we'll see

The Art of Sabotage

With everything finally over, and it being only a little bit past noon, the chairman, his advisor, Meryl, Milly, Vash, and you were in a still-standing restaurant for lunch and a boring business talk. Apparently, a warrant had already been issued for the Nebraskas' re-arrest, and you two had a right to collect the bounty. Well, you did before Vash turned it all down.

"Are you sure about this? I mean, we did try to kill you," the chairman asked.

"And you're the ones who defeated the Nebraska Family," his advisor added. "Why would you pass up the seven hundred thousand double dollars?"

Vash happily continued eating his sandwiches, "Well, why not? A big pile of money would just be a nuisance to drifters like us."

You huffed, laying your head on the bar counter. "Besides, your city needs that money much more than we do," you then commented.

"Aaand, now I get to have all the salmon sandwiches I can eat. Right, Grams?" Vash said.

"Yes, yes," she dismissed him, continuing to wipe down the glass in her hand.

Psyche gingerly stepped off your shoulder and onto the bar counter. She (you very recently discovered this fact) meowed, quickly receiving a pat on her head and a saucer of water. You rolled your eyes at her whining and gently rubbed her head.

"I'm kinda jealous," Milly said while looking at Vash.

Meryl scowled at her partner, tapping her hand against the taller girl's chest. "He could've bought an entire sandwich factory with that money," she murmured.


You closed your eyes, completely ready for a nap after the day's excitement. You could really use the break.

"Well, then," Meryl interrupted. Her stool scraped irritatingly against the wood floor. "Are you gentlemen finished with your talk?"

"Why, I guess so."

"Then I would suggest getting far away from him as soon as you can. He is Vash the Stampede, after all. He's dangerous, you know," she (not so) gently reminded the two city officials. She gave the aforementioned man a pointed stare, "Isn't that right?"

Vash fumbled his words for a moment, giving her a confused smile, "Well, yeah.."

Why did it have to be him, Meryl thought to herself in distress. You and Milly glanced at each other before breaking out into giggles. She was stressed.

•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•

Meryl proceeded to baby the two of you, announcing your presence to the entire town as you walked past its residents. Who, by the way, had no more qualms about the two of you seeing as you saved the city again (well, not entirely... there were still plenty who held a grudge). And no murderous, evil twin brother stopped by to rain on the parade this time! It was a win-win situation: the town gets saved, and you two don't get arrested.

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