Chapter 13

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I don't like the caravan episode so I'm uh skipping that one. If y'all really wanna see it though I can post it separately in like a shorts book (I do have a few shorts planned for book 1, too, I just haven't gotten there yet) I just didn't really think there was much I could do with it (But I will tell you that MC was with Milly and Wolfwood during the ordeal). Hope this is to your liking! <3

I Look at You and My Mouth Goes Dry as Sand

A lightning storm raged outside the dingy building he called home. Another bolt of lightning flashed outside the window, revealing the man's concealed presence. It had been a while since he's been given orders, maybe that's why he was standing behind him right now.

"How long have you been standin' there?"

"I've been watching you the entire time," the man responded.

"You're a creepy guy," he chuckled. He lowered his firearm with an audible click, "I'm surprised you actually showed up."

"Did you think it was the idle talk of a drunk?"

"You can't blame me if I did. When you're stuck in a cellar, smelling gunpowder for over twenty years you stop caring whether talk is true." He gave the man a wicked grin, "So tell me... Who am I hunting?"

Another bolt of lightning flashed when the man gave the name.

"I can feel the shivers!" He hugged himself, a giddy feeling spreading across his chest. "Now I understand why I've been doing this all this time."

"Show our Master your gratitude for taking you in," the man ordered. "Show me you can bring him back."

•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•

It had been almost two weeks since your rag-tag group helped that couple get away from a corrupt caravan. Right now, you were trapped in a small town that Vash had been hunting for; specifically, he was looking for a cobbler to fix his boots, and maybe buy a new pair. They were a little worse for wear now...

While he went out in the storm to hit this guy up, you hung back at the hotel with Psyche. Meryl insisted you take her back as she was unfortunately too mischievous for them to handle. She kept trying to trip them down flights of stairs, allegedly.

You gave the black cat a death stare when you heard that. She simply responded by pawing at your face for treats.

Currently, though, the two of you were relaxing on the bed. She was curled up on your side while you scratched away in your sketchbook.

How's it goin'?

You paused your movements, waiting for a response.

Great! This storm is killer though, Vash replied.

You snorted, returning to your drawing. Dust storms combined with lightning will tend to be. Be careful on the way back.

Just for that, I'll be as risky as possible.

I swear to the stars, Vash-


You deadpanned at the wall in front of you, your brow twitching. Knowing him, he would somehow run into trouble in a storm like this one.

You turned to stare at the dark clouds of dust from the window, hoping it would blow over soon. Lightning flashed, and the sky rumbled loudly. You continued staring for a moment longer before you returned to your drawing, only to find that the sketch was complete.

Tuesday AfternoonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt