Chapter 12

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I gotta apologize in advance that the whole interdimensional travel mishap is solved pretty quick :/ It's really just a plot device to get the ball rolling. BUT I'm happy to say that I finished this pretty quick (apologies for any grammatical and spelling errors too, I only did a quick once over for 'em)

Tournament or Torment? pt 2

Green rolling hills. Familiar red flowers blooming all across them. A single tree nestled at the top of a hill. There was a figure under the tree, one you knew, but not one you were expecting.

You squinted as if it would help you get a better look. There was no mistaking it, however.

"Vash?" you muttered to yourself.

He whipped around, catching sight of you almost immediately.


You took a few steps forward. One after the other.


Vash took a couple of steps forward. He was hesitant at first, believing it wasn't real.

Your pace quickened. So did his.


Soon enough you were both full-on sprinting toward each other. You tripped over your own feet as you ran. Tears brimmed the corner of your eyes.

You jumped into his arms and sobbed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry-"

"Shh," He held a tight grip on you. His own eyes were blown wide. "It's ok, I've got you."

Slowly, the two of you sank to the ground.

"I didn't- I-"

"It's ok," for a second, he seemed to be trying to convince himself of that rather than you.

"I didn't mean to leave, I don't- I don't know what happened!"

As much as it pained him, he pulled away from the embrace. He wiped away a few tears with his thumb, his touch tender and gentle and full of love, "What did happen?"

You held onto his hands cupping your cheeks, tears still flowing and you hiccuped.

"Me-e and the g-girls were talking," you started. "I spaced out and Milly touched my shoulder and- and then I was gone. I- I went home."

You felt him stiffen.

"Home?" You nodded. "How?"

"I don't know."

"Then how can we- Why are we here?" He glanced around at the scenery.

"Rem's mindscape," you explained. You had calmed enough to where the tears weren't flowing as heavily, but now you had the sniffles. "I was actually trying to talk to her. I thought she could help."

Vash gave you a confused look, his eyebrows scrunched together, "Help?"

You nodded, "She helped me figure out my abilities a little bit, I thought she might be able to get me back."

To you went unsaid, but he understood it all the same.

He pulled you back into a tight embrace. He thought he lost you. Honestly, though, you saying you were back home made him think he did lose you.

"I wanna go back," You sniffed, clutching his jacket like it was a lifeline.

"I know you do, Stardust. I want you back, too," he replied softly. "We'll figure it out."

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