Cauldron of Revenge

123 41 15

Dear Jesus,

A strange coolness dripped on my cheeks and I squinted in my sleep.
Whatever it was, I didn't enjoy the interruption to my delicious sleep.

I peeked my eyes open, wondering why I was feeling wet. When my eyes opened into the darkness, I was greeted by the steady fall of a drop of a cold liquid on my face.

Had rain fallen at night? Did we have a case of a leaking roof or ceiling?

Wiping the liquid from my face, I put on the lamp beside me and took a glance around the room.

Kathy was tangled beneath the sheets.
She had shared my small bed today because she claimed she wanted to finish a YouTube tutorial course on perspective sketching.

Motivated by her studiousness, (After all, I was in medical school and our lecture modules had already been sent to the Google Hangouts page of my class), I also picked up my anatomy textbook to begin applying my memorization techniques. It wouldn't hurt to go ahead of the class syllabus.

School hasn't fully resumed for lectures because of all the normal routine that came with course registration and fresher's week.

It was exhausting but still exhilarating to see my coursemates again.

Shelly was doing better now. Her face had more colour and she looked as though she'd gone through a deliberate process of fattening.

Phoebe was also doing great, gushing through her marvellous experiences with you during the break.

Most of us were particularly thrilled that we were moving into the practical aspects of our course.

I for one have been trying my best to not focus too much on the news that we would soon be dealing with cadavers. *Shivers at the thought of having to touch dead bodies*

Kathy and I were supposed to give each other morale support in our study plan tonight. I can't even remember how we had slept off.

Meanwhile, Portia and Priscilla were in their respective beds, snoring softly.
They had both watched the full episodes of a Bible-retelling series of Your life on earth, The Chosen, and had been an emotional bundle all through.

For me, I only watched a single scene and couldn't get over it for a whole day. I decided that I would only watch the remaining episodes the moment we got a break.

Back to the mysterious event that woke me up, I wondered if I was just imagining things because now that the lamp was on, there was no dripping anymore.

I sighed and placed my body in a more comfy position around Kathy. Her mass of hair was a great cushion and distraction at the same time.

After positioning myself, I switched off the lamp.

A breath later, the same dripping, straight on my face, resumed.
I started, perturbed.

Immediately, a major wave of senses came back.
Was this a sign from God or an intrusion of a demon?

Cos, we've been battling demons for a while. They've been coming hard for Portia, and Mike. But never so intently had we been faced with a demonic intrusion. Especially since we started living together.

Switching the light on again, I sat up and tapped Kathy.

She mumbled and turned.

"Kathy, wake up!"

When she finally opened her eyes, she slurred, "What happened?"

"Something's off and I can't place my finger on it."

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