Part 1: Dr. Brighton (Dr. Brighton's POV)

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Monster Studies Research Center, Bunker #49.
Berlin, Germany.
October 1st, 1981. 2:00 PM.

I kept flipping through the documents, showcasing the many monsters we study. One of them looked strangely interesting in my eyes though I'm not sure why. It resembled a fellow human, though it was a bit more muscular, its teeth were very reminiscent to those of a piranha. Its eyes are what bedazzled me: they were blank; no pupils, no irises, nothing. Realizing this made me sweat nervously.

"Dr. Brighton! Come on. It's time to go home," said a fellow scientist colleague of mine.

"Sorry, Collin. I think I'm gonna look into one of the files for the night," I replied.

"You can't be serious. We went over this a thousand times: the monsters aren't interesting."

"It's fine. It's not like I have a crush on them or anything. They make us feel fear. You know that, right?"

"Of course, Brighton. That's why we have to go. You can look over the files tomorrow," said Collin with a look of sternness but at the same time, worry.

I grinned smugly at him.

"You're worried about me, aren't you?"

"The fuck?! No I'm not! Wha... worried about you?! Bullshit," said Collin, feeling flustered.

"Uh huh. Sure, bud. Alright. Tomorrow it is then," I said before closing the portfolio and heading out of the room.

As Collin flipped the switch from outside the room we were in, its lights were turned off. We kept on making our way to the exit, but as Collin was the first to leave the bunker, I could've sworn that I heard some strange, deep growl that echoed throughout the bunker. I shook my head, convincing myself that the sound was in my head.

"Brighton!" He yelled, impatiently waiting for me.

"Calm down, Coll. I'm coming," I yelled back as I exited the bunker after closing the door behind me.

We kept walking on grass, approaching our red Ferrari. From a distance, the monster from one of the files was spying on us the entire time. Its sights were locked not just on the Ferrari that Collin was driving, but on me. Sighing deeply and chucking like a goofball, it playfully began chasing the car. It wasn't very fast, but at least it had enough stamina to help him out. For some strange reason, it didn't mind that the car had already left. It just kept on running as fast as he could. It never stopped.

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