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"Good things don't last forever"

That was something Sonic knew again when a week later,not even getting enough time to properly recover,he got taken again.

By everyone the most angriest and saddest of the whole group was Shadow, of course.His blood-shot eyes and teeth gritting got the words 'I want to kill them' out way too easy.

Tails was fine but he had some more injuries that he had recently gotten.They looked like he was beat and his tails and ears were always down.

It seems a few hours before Sonic was gone again he was just sitting in the field seeing trees and birds.Stuff you would usually find outside.

The supposed 'caretaker' of them came back and he abused Tails demanding, 'Where is Sonic' and giving threats.

Tails didn't want to reveal his location because he's his brother,he needs time, and he still needs to rest basically.Silence made the caretaker beat him more till he was bloodied and bruised enough to finally answer.

He did try to fight back with what energy he had left in his body,though.

Grabbing his legs he bit them and started attacking him,trying to break free, but eventually wasn't able to knock him out, and he passed out instead.

Lying on the grass was Tails,a puddle of blood, and a little note of how well he took care of him.Though, he left a date on the note.

5:00 1/27/--

"Shadow, please, calm down...I know Sonic is in danger right now b-"

Cutting her off,Shadow yelled at her with a tone like no other "YOU DONT KNOW HOW LONG IVE BEEN WAITING FOR SONIC TO COME BACK AMY."


She walked over to the desk where they put the note down and proceeded to rip it in half.After a bit of silence,she proceeded to talk but in a much calmer voice.

"Look..Its not anybody's fault here but we have to get Sonic back and we have to get Tails recovered.We cant also wait any longer for those other problems we have."

Shadow didn't want to listen to her talk, though.He rolled his eyes and that just continued the fight.

The whole time Amy and Shadow were arguing,Rouge tried calming Tails with her sweet voice and Knuckles.. well he was just there, I guess.

Rouge spoke up from their non-stopping child back and forth.

"You two need to either quiet down or shut up entirely.Tails has been over here listening to your childish conversation and worrying the poor boy.Its time that you two make up or stop this because we don't have all the time in the world to fight with each other.We have other problems to deal with."

With a stern voice, they both stopped.They haven't seen Rouge use a tone like that for a bit until now.Not like she doesn't use it much though.

"She's right.Tails is already sad enough without Sonic here and having been abused.You guys are just making it worse than it already is."

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