Too Tired

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Pairing: TaeKook

Description: taekook in a student-teacher relationship


"Too Tired"

     Jungkook hurriedly reaches home at 9pm and all he could think of is how progressively and dangerously his energy level is sinking and how much sleep he wants to get. He spots Taehyung's shoes at the corner and he smiles softly, knowing that he wouldn't be alone.

     After shrugging out of his (suffocating) formal clothes, Jungkook heads straight to the bedroom. His eyes are already half-closed by the time he does this.

     "Oh— You're here." He hears Taehyung's voice when he pushes the door open.

     Sleepy as he is, Jungkook's eyes widen significantly when he finally sees how Taehyung looks. The boy has evidently just taken a shower (why — in the middle of the night — Jungkook knows not). He slowly takes in how Taehyung's dark hair, still slightly damp, sticks to his forehead. Water droplets cling to his chest — or what is exposed of it — and make a trail that disappears under the soft, white robe he has on. Taehyung isn't even showing much skin but Jungkook suddenly feels a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead.

     "Did you plan this, Taehyung?" Jungkook gulps and tries not to let Taehyung knows how affected he is. "Because I am too exhausted for this, baby."

     "What are you talking about? Why would I do that?" Taehyung asks innocently, but there's a tainted smile playing on his lips.

     Jungkook just stares at Taehyung. He tries to decide whether to sleep for a long time (eighty years preferably) or take advantage of tonight's braver Taehyung. He really, really wants the second option, but his muscles are screaming at him to lie down and get some sleep before his brain implodes.

     Taehyung sees how Jungkook's eyelids are getting heavy and — just as if someone had fiddled with his nonexistent settings — his mischievous smile suddenly transforms into an expression of concern.

     "What the heck did you do in school?" Taehyung asks as he walks over to Jungkook and takes the heavy laptop case from his hand and places it on the space on top of the drawers. "You look like you just struggled to finish a triathlon."

     Jungkook smiles weakly. "I had to read and check the freshmen's papers — yours included. It made my head hurt so badly."

     Taehyung rolls his eyes. "Whatever you say, Sir. Go sit on the bed or lie down or something. I'm going to get you a glass of water. I mean, you look hot as usual, but you also look thoroughly dehydrated."

     "I'd scold you for not calling me hyung but I'm too tired right now." Taehyung faintly hears Jungkook say as he exits the room.

     Taehyung moves pretty fast but when he reenters the bedroom with a glass of ice-cold water in one hand, Jungkook does not seem to be awake anymore, so Taehyung places the glass on the side table — beside their small, framed and blurry selca together — and gently shakes Jungkook awake.

      "Sorry, but you have to drink this or else you'll wake up still feeling really tired," Taehyung says. "And you have to change out of your clothes too. You've been wearing that all day."

     Jungkook silently, unsteadily does everything that Taehyung has said and when he's finally done — when his throat is slightly less parched and he's wearing a thin, white shirt and grey sweatpants (which are actually Taehyung's, but he is too tired to notice) — Jungkook crawls back into the heavenly bed and into Taehyung's outstretched arms.

     They've cuddled a lot but there is something really special about this one, Taehyung thinks. For all their time together, Taehyung's never been the "little spoon." He didn't complain; it was just natural. He is younger and he is technically Jungkook's student. And he really likes being wrapped in Jungkook's arms and feeling his breaths on the top of his head.

     Tonight, Jungkook is just three-hundred percent ready to fall asleep and Taehyung is more than willing to offer his arms as pillows. Jungkook hates sleeping with nothing in front of him though, and it takes no more than five minutes for him to jerk and turn around the bed until he's facing Taehyung.

     Taehyung leans in to bring their faces even closer until there is no distance separating them at all and he's kissing Jungkook's forehead, nose, cheeks, and lips.

     "Wow," he breathes. "I can't believe you're eleven years older than me. You're so cute."

     Jungkook apparently hears this because he makes a weak attempt to hit Taehyung's chest. Taehyung chuckles but his laughter is cut off when Jungkook tugs at his hair and kisses him.

     "I love you," Jungkook whispers against Taehyung's lips before letting his head fall back on Taehyung's bicep. "Sing me a lullaby?"

     "You're twenty-nine. You're eleven years older than me," Taehyung repeats, but he hums an unfamiliar, but calming, tune anyway. His voice can get really deep if he wills it to and it sounds like dripping honey and melted chocolate to Jungkook's ears.

     "Tae," Jungkook murmurs against Taehyung's chest. "when I wake up, you have to be still hugging me, okay?"

     "Hmm," Taehyung nods and squeezes Jungkook's waist in reassurance. "I promise."

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