
9.4K 417 44


Pairing: TaeKook

Description: taekook in a student-teacher relationship


     Jungkook is thankful for mandated student reports. He truly is. Sitting at the back of the classroom and watching Taehyung spew off details about a novel which Jungkook is now too familiar with already is a welcome change. He loves it when he has an excuse to watch Taehyung. Loves it a bit too much, actually, that he almost forgets to observe the other reporters. In all honesty, Jungkook would say that Taehyung deserves a really high mark just for his good looks alone. But, of course, there are other things to be taken into consideration if one is to be as ethical as possible. Jungkook reminds himself this as he takes in Taehyung's incredibly thin waist.

     Jungkook spots three or five — or more, actually — students who are doodling on their notebooks or toying with their phones instead of paying attention to Kim Taehyung. And his group mates.

    'Poor, naïve kids,'Jungkook thinks.'You are missing out on a lot.'

     He notices that Taehyung's hands are shakier than normal and he attributes it to the nervousness. He's heard him practicing this report a few times in their home (Jungkook loves saying that — theirs instead of just his) but he never tells Taehyung because he knows it will completely embarrass him. Despite all of his preparations though, clearly, Taehyung thinks that he will mess up somehow. Jungkook opposes this idea with a passion but Taehyung could be a little paranoid sometimes.

     Jungkook discreetly gives Taehyung a thumbs-up once he's done with his part and has moved to the side. Taehyung, in return, gives him that full grin which shows too many teeth but somehow still manages to pass off oddly as cute. One of his classmates sees him and Taehyung coughs uncontrollably when is elbowed in the ribs. Jungkook bites on his lip to keep himself from laughing.

     Now that Taehyung's portion of their group report is over, Jungkook was just a little impatiently waiting for the others to finish. He keeps an impartial look on his face and asks important questions from time to time until the whole thing is over. Jungkook writes the score underneath all of the stuff he has noticed and written down. It's a pretty high one — and Taehyung would definitely accuse him of being biased — but even without Taehyung there, Jungkook would still have given them the same score. Well, of course, being able to stare at Taehyung and pretending like it was necessary for grading them is enjoyable, but as a whole, their group did deliver well.

     And then it's the same routine. Jungkook gives them feedback while the rest of the class moves in a barely audible shuffle in their seats. They're putting their things back in their bags and are making sure that not one strand of hair is out of place. Jungkook has noticed that they do this a few minutes before the class ends — presumably so that they don't have to rush doing it later on. It's like they only go to class to sleep and then wake up a few minutes before the dismissal to make sure they're physically ready for the next class.

     'Well,' Jungkook thinks. 'as long as they're passing their tests.'

     Taehyung, however, does the opposite every single time. He lays out his binder and pens on his desk (even though he doesn't need them sometimes) and doesn't make a single move to pick them up until most of his classmates are out the door. 'Sneaky brat,' Jungkook would think every time he notices (which is, all the time). Taehyung does it so that he'll be the last one to leave the room.

     "I practiced like a billion times for that report," Taehyung says as he saunters over to the back of the room where Jungkook is. His classmates are gone and there are no people waiting outside so he figures he could at least talk informally to Jungkook. "I better get a high grade for this or else."

     "I thought you said no favoritism?" Jungkook scoffs.

     "I know I did well," Taehyung scowls and sticks his tongue out. "Just admit it."

     Jungkook sucks in a breath and pretends to think. "Uh, I'm not so sure," he shakes his head. "Your hands were all shaky and distracting so I deducted ... five points?"

     Taehyung's frown deepens and he rolls his eyes. "That's so unfair," he complains.

     "I'm the professor," Jungkook smirks. "so I get to call the shots. You're my favorite one in the class but, too bad, I have to slash off some points because of your pesky hands."

     "Hah. Really. You never call my hands pesky when I give you handjobs though. I wonder why." Taehyung smirks triumphantly when he sees Jungkook's stunned face. It's very rare that Taehyung gets to make Jungkook speechless so he makes sure to relish it.

     Jungkook opens his mouth to say something but Taehyung never hears what it is because he swiftly interrupts — not wanting to let Jungkook get the last laugh in this particular conversation.

     "I'm going to be late for my next class, sir," Taehyung says as he makes a huge show of checking his watch. "And I'm sorry for my 'pesky hands.' I guess there'll be no handjobs for you tonight then."

     Taehyung grins and runs out of the room as fast he can. He knows that the only thing stopping Jungkook from screeching out a loud "Kim Taehyung!!!" and running after him is the swarm of students loitering in the hallway and he takes advantage of this as he runs for his life his next class.

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