
9.5K 397 79


Pairing: TaeKook

Description: taekook in a student-teacher relationship


Holidays are great. Holidays on Fridays are even better because it means a long weekend. Three days of freedom (except if you have a ton of homework – which Taehyung certainly has but he just never does his homework until hours before the deadline so he technically still has three days of freedom).

Non-working holidays are a blessing because he and Jungkook get to have time by themselves to do cheesy, couple-y things like cuddling on the sofa while watching TV, eating meals together, talking about both trivial and profound things, and – most importantly, in Taehyung's opinion – make out a lot.

No matter how many times he's seen it, Taehyung can never prepare himself enough for the sight of a shirtless Jungkook. Especially a shirtless Jungkook in the kitchen. He looks so domestic there scrambling eggs. It's endearing. (Also, if Taehyung might add, Jungkook hotter than the fucking Sun).

"Put a shirt on, jeez," Taehyung feigns innocence and pretends to complain about the sight as he gets himself a glass of water.

"Well, you weren't complaining about it last night, were you?" The smugness in Jungkook's voice is almost tangible and it has Taehyung almost choking on his water.

"That's so inappropriate!" he sputters. "I feel so harassed!"

Jungkook frowns.

"What?" Taehyung asks immediately. "What did I say wrong?"

"Nothing. I am harassing you, aren't I? And this, this, really isn't appropriate, is it?" Jungkook suddenly changes the mood.

Taehyung almost groans. When will Jungkook realize that Taehyung actually likes being with him. It wasn't like Jungkook threatened him to be in this relationship or anything. Also, when will Jungkook stop using tag questions? It's making his head hurt.

"I don't care," Taehyung pouts. "And I was just kidding about feeling harassed. I actually like seeing you shirtless. Naked, even better. You can't get rid of me so if that was your way of warning me that you would like to break up with me... stop it."

"Tae, what if your parents find out what we've been doing? I bet you my first-born child they'd want me dead."

Taehyung stares at him looking completely shocked. "Excuse me, but — first-born­ child? Who is going to give birth to your first-born child, huh? I know that can't be me."

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "Get some plates, drama queen."

"If you're going to have a child, we're adopting." Taehyung grudgingly takes out the plates. "Also, my parents can't really... I mean, I'm of legal age now. Once I graduate, I won't be your student anymore and you won't be my teacher so they can't use that against us anymore. We can tell them about us after I graduate or something."

"Okay, but even if that happens—"

"What are you even talking about? Of course it will happen."

"Okay. God.When that happens, they'd still be bothered about the age difference. They'll want to know where the hell their son found a boyfriend eleven years older than him. They'll find out about the student-teacher thing eventually."

"Well, I don't care about that so why should they? They're not the one marrying you!"

Jungkook raises an eyebrow. "Marrying me?"

'Fuckity fuck fuckfuck,' Taehyung automatically panics. 'Did I say something wrong? Does Jungkook not think that we're on that level yet? Fuck. I can't believe this. I'm risking my education, my reputation, my future just to be a side hoe?'

"Not that I'm saying I'll marry you—" Taehyung struggles to get anything out of his mouth.

"So you don't want to marry me?"

"What—no! Of course I want to marry you but you sounded like you didn't want to marry me!"

Jungkook grins like the Cheshire cat. Taehyung mumbles a half-hearted "fuck you."

"Okay, good. At least we both want to get married. I'd hate to be stood up at my own wedding." Jungkook slides the scrambled eggs on a plate and proceeds to check if the rice is cooked. "I don't think we can get married in a church, though. I don't even think we're allowed to have a Christian wedding."

"So...we can't get married?"

"Not here in Korea anyway, I think,"Jungkook shakes his head. "So you better to start saving now because we're going to have a lot of expenses. Plane tickets not included yet."

"Like what? It's just a wedding," Taehyung huffs.

"Taehyung, I know you're young, but you should know more than that!" Jungkook laughs as he scoops the rice into the plates. "We can't just dress up and go to a church and demand that we get married. If it's a church wedding, it's going to be expensive."

"Okay. I change my mind about marriage. We're practically married anyway. What's the point?"

"You brought marriage up," Jungkook reminded Taehyung as he sits beside him.

"Just for emphasis! But you went and dashed my dreams,"Taehyung pouts and shovels the food into his mouth and chews angrily.

"You're right, we're practically married anyway, there's no point." Jungkook says. Taehyung is about to say something in protest but Jungkook quickly holds the back of his head and leans in to kiss his forehead. "But if you want to get married, of course I want that too. So we could, I don't know, get married in another country where it's legal and if you want to celebrate, we can do it here after we get married there."

Taehyung stares at Jungkook. "Really? We can do that?"

"Yes," Jungkook kisses Taehyung's lips for a good five seconds. "but only after you get your diploma, so do your weekend homework."

a/n: not proofread. as usual lol.

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