Part 4: Dinner and an Uncontrollable Lust

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We'd eaten at a moderately fancy restaurant, and everything went pretty well. I learned a heap of useful and friendly information about Sean, or should I say, 'Jack'. I paid for it, considering I invited him and although it was like a date, I had to convince myself that it wasn't. Kinda really sucked too, because this guy drove me crazy with every little thing he did.

Through dinner was pretty normal, except I'd often find myself lost in his wondrous blue eyes. They captured me in their beauty, and I felt like I was drowning in an ocean of blue, one that I didn't mind in the least.

Of course, to make myself seem like I wasn't the creepiest guy you'd meet, I would have to look away every once in a while.

Sean was a really funny guy, and really cute too. I had already built such an attachment to him in two days.

We walked over to my car, and I he mentioned something about not having his own; public transport being enough for him. While I didn't agree, I bit my tongue and allowed him to have his opinion.

We opened the door and each got in, before traveling down the road. Sean started talking about my job, and before I knew it, we were both chuckling at something he said.

"What was with the chains, man!? Were they really necessary!?" He chortled, rolling his eyes and making dramatic hand gestures. I laughed a bit, then turned my head from the road to him, looking him dead in the eye. The shocks and shivers were easy to ignore, as I placed a hand on his leg and whispered,

"You know you enjoyed it, Jackiboy~ Just admit it,"

The other male's eyes went wide, exposing more of their blue beauty to me. I watched his whole face ignite into a burst of color, before he ripped out of my grasp and giggled, a nervous aura about him.

Sean slowly closed his legs together, looking out the window with a miniature grunt.

I frowned for a second, glancing at him every once in a while from the road. Then I realized the affect my deep whisper had on him, and I grinned. Holding back a chuckle, I eyed his cute face before focusing on the road and getting him home.

A week had passed since that eventful night, but since, many more memories had been created.

I introduced him to my friends, Wade and Bob, and all four of us went out drinking. It was fun, but then— as far as Wade's told me— I started chatting up the barman and for my own sake, my two best friends that were in on my secret managed to get Sean and I to our homes. I personally don't remember that night, or why my intoxicated self moved away from Sean instead of to him, but I'm sure there was some reason.

I do know for a fact that he and I were meant to be at his house tonight, drinking alone and watching movies. I ordered the stupider of my two friends, Wade, to take my shift tonight, and he reluctantly agreed.

I grabbed my car-keys, took one last sip of my first beer of the day, threw it out and then jumped into my car, starting the engine and driving down to Jack's flat.

When I got there, I was greeted by the brunet-haired Irishman as he ushered me inside, insisting I watch the movie he was previously watching because it's at the best part.

We both sat in silence for a while, before Jack relaxed and unwind himself in front of me, putting out his legs and stretching his glorious body, and much to my delight, his shirt rode up and showed his beautiful skin-tone and cute little stomach.

"So, Mark," he started, a curious flint hidden deep within his words. "What was up the other night? Why did Bob and Wade take us home so suddenly? You were gettin' really funny..."

I blinked and took a sip of my beer, pushing the thoughts of his cute, fragile being out of my head for a moment.

"Ahah, you know those guys, always wantin' to get up in 'Markimoo's grill," I commented with stiff laughter, trying to sound sincere. A wonderful emotion swirled in Sean's beautiful blues for a second before he laughed, rolling his eyes.

"I don't think I'll ever forget how I met you, or where you come from."

That was certainly out of the blue, and I almost spat out my beer thinking about it.

"You'll never forget me wearing a set of chains draped around my torso and a black thong!?" I scoffed, attempting to rub the beer into the carpet that managed to spill out of my cheeks.

A sound that cuddled my ears bounced around the small lounge-room walls, and I noticed Jack was laughing. I grinned at his joyful expression, and reddened cheeks, though I knew mine must have been redder.

"M-Mark, goddamnit, no!" He laughed, before quickly dying it down and wiping a tear from his eye.

I chuckled and put my beer on the coffee table, adjusting my glasses.

"But," the Irishman mumbled, voice nearly a whisper. "I won't ever forget that either."

The words rolled off his tongue and it made me shudder with a sudden anticipation. For what, I was only half sure of. Reason being, I didn't seem to be in control of what I did next; whatever side of me that was crushing on Sean and hating the lack of action I got was.

I stared at him for a few seconds through my black-lined glasses. His friendly smile widened as he turned to me, his body now facing my own. I sat there for only a few seconds more, before pouncing on the man and pinning each of his arms to his sides, our crotches dangerously close, but less so than our mouths.

"You're right," I purred into his ear, keeping my eyes set on his his own, and he in a sharp time he looked nervous. "But even so, I won't let you forget it..."

I felt Sean's whole body shiver underneath me, and I knew I'd struck something right inside him.

His next words took me by surprise, however.

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