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Annabella,a girl of nine years,light skinned and beautiful who loves doll and reading books was being taken by her mom to a doll shop to buy a doll. Anabella checks around and finds the doll of Annabel. She had a close look at it and then picked it up and ran to her mom.

"Mom I've found the doll I want,look look here,it looks exactly like me"Annabella said as she shakes her mom's hand.
"Are you sure you want this"Annabella's mom asked as Anna for short nodded.
The attendance was given the toy to wrap it and she did and gave it to Anna as she patted her head saying
            "Take good care of your twin,Anna"
Anna was smiling grinly as she only nodded her head and waited for her mom to come.They both left and they went to the library.

Anna holding onto her doll walked and passed the place where the book was kept. As she walked and passed it,the book pushed itself out as Anna turned and looked at the book. A key fell on the as she turned and walked up to the key she picked up the key as the book fell on the ground she picked it up and blew the dust off it."such a dusty one,guess u belong to me now"she said as she hoped to where her mom was " ready to go ready to go I'm ready to go mom" she said as her mom smiled and they both left home.

They reached home and immediately Anna changed into her shorts and top as she bounced on her bed and cracked the book open with the key.
"Anna"her sister Mirabel called her.
She left the book opened like that and ran downstairs to have her dinner. The whole room became filled with darkness as Annabel stood by the door smiling demonically.

Time for bed,Anna sat on the bed holding onto the doll and reading the book
"Can I join you?" Someone said from the front as Anna lifted up her face and saw a girl who looked exactly like her. She frozed immediately.

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