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Anna sat still on the bed as her body was shaking in fright. Annabel stood there looking at Anna on a white garment
   "Hello twin sister" Annabel said as Anna's mouth went agape and was shaking in fright.
  "Who are you?,how are... What he heck are you doing here?" Anna said in fright and trying to gather up courage.
"I am you and you are me, I know very well that mom didn't tell you that you had a twin sister" Annabel said and putted on a devilish smile."but why are you stained with blood"Anna asked as Annabel began walking up to her. "Keep on reading"Annabel said as Anna starred at her in fright. Annabel was on a white gown and she had a devilish smile on her face as she walked closer to Anna
    "I'm not gonna hurt you"Annabel said in a whisper
Anna sat still like a stone which was kept in place.her hands nor feet were movable as she only turned around and saw Annabel who was very close to her.
"READ,READ ABOUT US MY DEAR" Annabel said as she slowly touched the face of the shaking Anna. Anna read on as she was told to do. Anna could not believe herself sitter to read with someone who she doesn't even know. As she read on she began to feel a little bit relieved as her and Annabel beam talking and laughing together. The fear had suddenly stopped and she felt  like a brave warrior as they talked on.

Annabel had a.fewling that someone was coming, she quickly turned and looked at her back as within a twinkle of an eye she vanished. The door was opened as Anna's mother stood my the door, Anna slowly turned and looked at her mum who starred at her suspiciously
"Who were you talking with"her mom asked and sounded like one of the female detective in town
" I don't know what you are talking about all what I know is that I was sitter here reading and laughing to myself"Anna said as her mom 2alked up to the bed and sat on it.
Her mom made her lay on it as she covered her with the blanket and slowly rubbing her hair " goodnight"her mum said as she pecked her forehead,switched off the light and went out. Anna's eyes shut slowly as she bid good night to the world.

After Anna's mom had left and Anna had slept off, Annabel poked out her head from the blinds and walked up to her saying " bad night sister"Annabel said as she smiled and vanished into thin air.

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