Chapter 5

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Aria woke up feeling like she got run over by the knight bus. She groaned slightly as she tried to get out of the bed. Stefan quickly came to her aid and made her drink her potion.
She observed Stefan's expressions carefully and he looked sad to her. "You are sad," Aria said, pointing out the obvious.

Stefan didn't reply to her.
"And angry," Aria continued.
"I am not angry, disappointed and hurt that you never told us, when were you going to tell us? Are you going to send us a voicemail again that you are dying?"

Aria winced, "I wasn't going to do that. I came here so that I can spend the last few years of my life with you both. I thought of telling you but you were happy after a long time when you started dating Elena so I didn't want to destroy your happiness."

"I guess it's the right time to say that Elena and I broke up."
"Why? When?" Aria asked, shocked.

"Yesterday, you were asleep for 2 days. A lot happened while you were sleeping."

"What else did I miss?"

"Damon went into a rage when he heard about your condition and drained a bunch of druggies turned one of them into a vampire; Elena found out about vampires and then broke up with me and a guy named Logan fell nearly killed me."

Aria hugged Stefan. "I am sorry that you had to go through all that."

"It was inevitable after all wasn't it? I am a vampire and she is human."

"I am sure she will come back, let her process all the information."

Stefan smiled a bit, finding it funny how she is trying to cheer him up.

"Is Damon angry at me?"

"He will come over, you know how he can never stay mad at you he just needs some time to process it."

"Where is he anyway?" Aria asked.

"At the boarding house, with Vicky Donovan, the newbie vampire."

"Then let's go there," said Aria trying to drag Stefan with her.
"I don't think that's a good idea, Vicky has issues."

"I don't care, I defeated a dark lord, remember?"

"You did, you had magic then to protect yourself now you are dying and we don't want anything dangerous to happen to you."

"So, are you saying that I can't protect myself without magic? You both made sure that I can survive without my magic, all those defense training lessons you forced onto me, ring any bells? Or is your old age catching up to you?" said Aria, getting angry not liking the way Stefan is treating her as if she was a delicate porcelain doll that's going to break.

"I know that you can protect yourself, until now we never realized that something could happen to you. We know that you died that day but it never sunk into us since you came back, this time it's going to be permanent if they don't find the cure. We never thought that you were going to die and leave us," Stefan tried to explain. Aria nodded her head as they left for the boarding house.

They met Vicky Donovan in the parlor with Damon who looked bored as he drank his bourbon and didn't even look at her direction.

"You must be Vicky Donovan," said Aria looking at the newly turned vampire.

"I am, who are you? Are you a vampire too?" Vicky asked.

"I am, who are you? Are you a vampire too?" Vicky asked

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