Chapter 1 : What in the world is happening...

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"Hehe, you know, you're the only who's calling me by my actual name which is very sweet of you" Said Leo with a huge grin on her pale face. "It's very much special to me you know" Leo said to the brunette who is sitting in front of her.

*Sigh* the brunette sigh loudly.

"Haha, I know I'm annoying so just pretend that you don't have that loud sigh of yours" Leo who's smile did not disappear but said it with a sad tone.

"I can't help it, how come I'm the only one you're reminding not to do that when others do that to you too" Micheal annoyed but concernly spoke as why is he being treatedly different by the mentally ill redhead in front of him.

"Pfft, oh you'll know why, it's really obvious" Leo who leaned back on the couch looking at him funny.

"Let's begin our session now shall we?" The brunette said with a slight annoyed look on his face.

"Nope" Leo said sarcasticly as the ocean blue eyed psychiatrist glared at her "Geez, you're smart but doesn't know what sarcasm is" Leo joked but is actually mentally disappointed

'This Guy/Girl...' Both thought at the same time.

"Back to our old topic, do you still see hallucinations?" The brunette psychiatrist asked Leo while observing her.

"Meh, I don't know if it's hallusination or real but, that guy... what do childrens call him..." Leo thinking as Micheal observes and listen "Ahh that, the Boogyman guy" Leo said childishly smiling and proud of herself for answering the question.

"The Boogyman? Don't make me laugh, actually nevermind, you're mentally ill after all so I wouldn't be surprise" Micheal saying that boldly with a stoic face.

"Huh?" Leo stopped smiling after the psychiatrist's sentence "You know Doc, I thought you're different but I guess I'm wrong" Leo whose mood changed from a happy proud to feeling a little betrayed but still shrugs it off and just thinks she's being cringe "You asked me a question and I answered it so isn't that enough?" She said bringing her smile back.

"Just next question" The brunette ignored that statement "How are you feeling? Asked the psychiatrist.

"You know, the usual, happy being alive with my friends with me inside my locked room that I bet you can't even see with your own eyes "Leo answered with a happy tone.

*Sigh* What kind of friends I may ask?" Micheal asked being curious about the friend topic as one of his eyebrows rose up looking at Leo in the eyes. "Is one of them that Boogyman?" He asked.

"Pfft" Leo who's trying not to laugh "Silly Doc, I only called him "guy" for a reason, not because he's a guy but he's a newcomer of those evil beings who I keep on seeing" Leo answered straight forward but still not fully answered.

"I see... but I again asked, what kind of friends? Micheal asked starting to get irritated.

"Ho? Just next question" Leo also getting irritated by the "friend" question but did not show it by smiling.

"I see, are your hallusinations harming you or no?" Asked Micheal even though he thinks that illusions are harmless.

"Welp, for the very first time you asked me or some asked me that question" A grin, a dark grin could be seen on her face.

"Just answer the question" he felt a shiver down to his spine but still kept his cool after seeing that dark grin.

"To answer that question I-" as Leo is about to answer, two loud knocks could be heard outside the door.

" Dr.Micheal, the boss asked me to get you to come with me" A female voice shouted a little from the outside.

'Ah! Nurse Renna, perfect timing' Leo thought happily, because she recognizes the voice of the nurse who is in love with Dr.Micheal.

"Just tell him I have a patient I am dealing with right now" Micheal said or more like a shout.

"No Dr.Micheal, the leader needs you right now!" Renna shouted back from the outside.

'Wow.... she really wants him to go with her, this is a great show' Leo smirks without her knowing that Micheal is staring at her with a face that is saying 'I know what you think, please stop'.

*Sigh* Then I guess I need to go, stay here Leo- I mean Patient 11, I need to see the boss, behave." Micheal demanded Leo as he stood up and exited the room.

"HAHAHAHAHA, poor guy" Leo laughed at his suffering.

As Leo is about to relax, she sees something at the corner of her eye, she turns to the corner of the room, there standing in the corner is the guy she called the Boogyman, all black, no color, no nothing but all black, even though it has no face, she can tell that he is staring at her... directly and only at her.

"Geez... Boogy Boy, I know I'm ugly so stop staring at me" She said smiling but deep inside, she's annoyed.

'Great, he will not let me rest... again, can't he leave me alone?" Leo who just wants to rest and relax though that as she faces the other way and ignores him then closes her eyes.

Two minutes later......

Leo whose eyes are still close felt something that the room shouldn't have.

'Is it just me or is the room a bit- no no, a lot colder....' She felt the room got colder so she decided to open her eyes.

As Leo opened her eyes, she saw him, he's right here, the Boogyman staring down at her and now, they're face to face with each other.

"!!!WHAT THE-" she screams, but then just then the alarm went on really loud the entire room starts to flick red light and then screams could be heard outside, then the Boogyman disappears in thin air "What in the world is happening..."

End of Chapter 1...



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