Chapter 2: I see... You have become a Victim Too... ⚠️

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⚠️Warning: For those who cannot handle reading gruesome scene you don't have to read this but you can read some chapters ahead where there aren't warings because this story aslo have breaks from creepy stuffs and also some words might be inappropriate so I apologize

But for those who are reading this

Leo decides to stand up to check what's happening but as she tries to open the door, it's locked...

'What the heck?'

Thought of Leo who is confused on why the door is locked

'I know I'm mentally ill but they didn't need to lock me inside a room O don't own'

Leo thought who is still trying to unlock the door and then the announcement speaker went on and said a horrific news

"Workers and Patients, please evacuate for an attack by unknown creatures"

The voice said calmly but Leo could tell that they're panicking

"But one of the patients knows or might know these creatures, please get Patient Number- !!!!AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!"

As the Voice was about to say the patient's number, it was immediately replaced by a blood curdling scream then a growl could be heated after the scream

"Welp, they're dead"

Said Leo

"Patient? A Patient knew these creatures?"

Leo said who puts her hand under her chin wondering who might that be

"I wonder who might that be?"

Leo turned to her back and faces the sliding glass window

"Oh would you look at that, a window that I can escape and if I fail, I'm gonna die~"

Said Leo in a humming tone

Leo starts opening the sliding glass window while humming a mysterious music. After opening the window, she looked down to see scientists, nurses, doctors and patients running for their lives and saw...

"Holy Cow, are those ghouls?"

Leo watched as people were getting devoured by the ghouls, blood could be seen splashing to hungry looking ghouls and some lunatics could be heard laughing while getting devoured by the ghouls and some people taking the situation seriously running for their lives and immediately heading for the boats but there aren't any luck for them as some ghouls also heads to the boats and starts and started devouring all of them, blood, organs, ghouls and dead bodies could be seen outside and the screams and growling from scared people and ghouls could be heard outside and so does the laughing lunatics.

"Welp, those are some hungry ghouls, oh well, I'll just break the door for my escape then"

Leo said moving away from the window who did not even feel terrified after witnessing the scene


Screams could still be heard outside and so does the growling created by ghouls.

"Geez... what is even happening in the halls now, more death?"

Leo getting annoyed by the loud screams said that who is about to grab a chair from the side, just then...



A loud bang can be heard outside the room next to the room she is inside right now, that could only mean one thing, ghouls are now trying to get inside the rooms right now, and then...

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