【5. Who Are You?】

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"I hate to say it, but British people were right when saying 'what's all this then', like literally, what's all this then?" Miko said, drawing with a gel pen in her notebook.

"Miko, I think you're seconds away from making Raf's head implode." Arcee responded from where she sat next to the area where the kids hang out.

"Yeah, but it still sounds stupid!"
Raf said back, playing on a portable game device while he sat next to Bumblebee.

"I'm still confused on something though. Why do British people...sound like that? If they speak the same language as you guys, why not actually talk like the way you guys do? It just sounds so unnecessarily complicated." Bulkhead commented while he watched over Miko's drawing.

"I think it has something to do with being across the globe, right?" Arcee asked, as Bumblebee beeped in some agreement with the question.

"Something like that." Miko responded before looking to Raf, "A British person could see Satan himself be be like 'Odd bloke innit'."

"Yeah, and instead of saying 'bottle of water', they say 'Ba'o o' wo'ah'." Jack added on with a chuckle, causing Raf to groan silently to himself.

"... This British stuff still makes me so confused. And I feel like I shouldn't. But I still am." Bulkhead said with a shake of his head.

As Miko starred to laugh wildly, Ratchet caught their attention from across the room. "Looks like we may have a Decepticon life signal out in the Arctic." He groaned, as a signal came beeping to life.

"Oh good. I can focus on clobbering some Decepticon heads instead of this British stuff." Bulkhead said, obviously eager to get into some action before Optimus Prime entered the room upon the mention of a Decepticon signal sighting.

"Ratchet, can you pinpoint the exact location of this signal? It would be unsafe for us to travel out in a cold climate for too long." The Autobot leader said, already jumping straight into the mission details.

"Already on it." Ratchet said, looking into it more. But after a moment, confusion took its place on its face. "Wait— it's not marked as Decepticon or Autobot. It's just, Cybertronian." He said, turning to Optimus. "It seems to be in one of the spots cold enough to freeze us solid during its storms, but should be fine if we aren't caught in one."

"Understood. I'll need you to stay here to watch the weather and warn us if the weather kicks up. If it gets too bad, send a space bridge to retrieve us immediately." Prime commanded.

"Let's hope it's an ally." Arcee said, standing up and walking over, "We could use one."

"We can hope." Ratchet responded grumpily, rolling his optics before opening the groundbridge. "But I find it unlikely."

"If we can retrieve them in time, we might be able to convince them to join our faction before the Decepticons can." Optimus said.

Bumblebee beeped in happy agreement with Optimus as Arcee picked up the tracker and walked past him.

"Optimism is key, I suppose," Ratchet grumbled, "Just be safe out there."

"We will. I will make sure of it." The Autobot leader responded as he walked over to the ground bridge.
"Now, let us waste no more time. Autobots, roll out!"
Prime's command echoed to his comrades, as he then transformed into his alt mode and drove into ths glowing light of the ground bridge, As if in sync, both Bumblebee, and Arcee transformed after him and followed, before emerging in the snowy atmosphere of the Arctic.

"Why would any bot choose to land here of all places?" Arcee spoke as a wintery chill passed.

Bumblebee beeped a response.  Suggesting that maybe they were trying to steer clear of running into anyone or anything.

Right before the groundbridge closed, Bulkhead raced out to join the other's, just to quickly halt as the snowy ground already proved hard for the mech's heavy frame to traverse through in vehicle mode.

Bulkhead then transformed back into his base mode, shaking out some snow that was caught within his seams during his transformation.

"Jeez... Ratchet wasn't kidding about the cold..." The mech spoke. "How could anyone even survive out here for so long?"

"I doubt anyone ever has." Arcee responded, transforming beside bumblebee looking out at the snowy area. "At least there's no blizzard, that would be even harder to navigate."

Bumblebee looked around and started to beep again, signaling to the others they had appeared close to an ice cave, that maybe that's where the signal came from.

"You may be correct, Bumblebee." Optimus Prime said, transforming into his base mode to look over to the ice cave's entrance. "If anyone was unfortunate enough to find themselves stranded in a place like this, they would most likely find any form of shelter they could find."

"Well, let's get to searching." Arcee said, heading on down, which caused Bee to easily go after. No hesitation.

Bulkhead quickly followed up with the other two along with Optimus Prime as they headed down to the ice cave.

Bee started to buzz again, a small ramble about how he hoped whoever they met was nice. But it slowly moved over to wondering if they'd even be alive by the time they got to them.

Arcee shivered, but not from the cold. "Don't even fathom the idea. That sounds...I don't know...chilling?"

"We must have hope. Chances of survival in an environment like this are slim, but since this war started, we have been grasping for any sort of chance that can bring this war to a close as soon as possible. This is just another chance we must grab." The leader said, his voice softly echoing off of the walls of the ice cave.

"Prime's right. Plus, this definitely beats having to deal with the Buckethead and his emo band." Bulkhead added on.

Bumblebee beeped out his laughter and agreement, and Arcee, whom was in the front of the group with the tracker, rolled her optics.

He turned a 'corner' in the Icey cave before her optics went wide. She shook her helm before turning back to the group with her "I found who we were looking for."

Optimus Prime nodded in acknowledgement as he walked further to view what they have found before his eyes widened in surprise.

It was a Cybertronian, obviously. That was what they were looking for.
But there was more.

They were completely encased in ice, perfectly preserved.

As Bumblebee came over to view, Arcee turned to Optimus. "What do we do? According to our devices, he's...still alive."

Bumblebee whirred, whining in wonder at how long the huge white Cybertronian in front of them had been blanketed in the ice.

"There's no way of knowing how long he has been here until we free him." The leader said as his arm converted into his ion blaster whilst he walked over to the ice-trapped mech, only really realizing how huge the mystery cybertronian was when he got closer. "Autobots, convert your weapons to low-power mode to safely melt the ice around him."

Arcee and Bumblebee both nodded in response and followed their leader's steps.

Arcee scoffed, "How do you plan to get him home, OP?"

"We will have to carry him." Prime simply answered as he continued to carve out more of the ice with his ion blaster.

Arcee huffed lowly. "I'm shaking with excitement."

Bee beeped back that it was probably the cold and not excitement.

But he did it sassily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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