08. { into the deep }

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Emma digs into her wallet for a picture of her son. She holds it up to show Princess Aurora. "The boy you say in your dream, is that him," she asks.

The princess squints her eyes slightly as she looks at the picture. She looks a bit worried and uncertain. "Yes. This is Henry." Snow White stands up to walk away and talk with Mulan while Emma stays kneeled besides the princess.

"That's impossible. How could you dream of my son?"

It was all so very confusing to Emma. Aurora didn't know Henry except for the tidbits that Mary Margaret and her told them about. She didn't even know what he looks like, yet she sees him in her dreams? 

"I have no idea," Aurora responds. 

Snow watches the two try to figure this out from a distance, her arms crossed before her chest. A heavy feeling was settling in the pit of her stomach. "Maybe it wasn't a dream," the black haired woman says. 

Aurora and Emma stand up swiftly. Everyone's eyes were now on Snow White, all looking confused. "That room. I've been there," Snow explains. Aurora narrows her thin eyebrows. She sounds a little strained when she speaks. "When I told you about it, you didn't say anything."

"You were terrified. I didn't want to make things worse by telling you I thought it might be real."

Mulan asks how a room from a dream could be real. Snow White responds by saying that it must have to do with the Sleeping Curse. Aurora and she went through it and Henry must have too.

Aurora asks Snow what else she lied about, sounding a bit sharp and upset. Snow didn't get the chance to respond as Emma turns to her, asking what Henry said in this dream world. The brunette shifts her gaze from mother to daughter and responds. "He just said his name. And then I woke up and it was over."

Mulan, Emma and Aurora were starting to feel a bit hopeless, while Snow White saw opportunity. She explains that they now can communicate with someone who might know how to stop Cora.

"Rumplestiltskin. He'll know a way."

"You want to consult with the Dark One, the man that holds Winter captive in your.. Storybrooke? What makes you possibly think he will want to help," Aurora asks skeptically. 

Emma remembers the horror that was on Princess Aurora's face when they told her about Winter's cursed life in Storybrooke. She was not happy with the thought of her being under the care of the Dark One.

"He's not exactly holding her captive," Emma remarks. She couldn't believe herself sticking up for Mr. Gold, but if there was one honourable thing about him it is how much he cared for the girl. Though, considering she doesn't know everything about the two of them from their lives in the Enchanted Forest, the honourable thing is still doubtful. 

The blonde turns to the apprehensive brunette. "I know you do not like him, but he is the only option we have right now. You have to talk to Henry for us. So, yeah, princess. You're going back to sleep." 

Aurora was reluctant to do so, but even she knows that this is their only plan at the moment. If she ever wants to join them in Storybrooke she had to make her sacrifices. This was just another of them.

Moments after closing her eyes she was back in the fiery room, searching for the little boy in his pajamas. She tells him her name and that his family is safe, but in need for a way to come home and defeat Cora. She asks him to get Gold's help to defeat her.

Then Henry woke up in Storybrooke, in the company of his grandfather and adoptive mother, and tells what he just heard. When he was done speaking they knew exactly what to do next.

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