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THE FEMALE SLUMPED DOWN, on the wall behind her as she stared up at Phoenixes sinister blue eyes. She couldn't believe that she actually thought he would lay off on hurting her, or atleast stop for a few, but no. He taunted her and hurt her like it was nothing, which was scary to her because she didn't think she'd meet someone with an insane amount of low empathy, but here she was with Phoenix, knowing someone with low empathy.

"Why are you on the ground Y/N? Get up. I couldn't have hurt you that bad." He crouched down towards the woman that only shut her eyes, trying her best not to release the tears from her E/C eyes.

After a few more heavy breaths came from her nose, her breathing completely stopped once she felt a finger grazing up and down against her cheek, and not too long after a smooth voice hit her ears, "Come on.... You don't wanna have some fun with me...?"

The only thing that was heard from her was whines that she tried to conceal, but had absolutely no luck in doing so while he dragged his fingers up against her soft skin like nothing.

"Hmmm?" He hummed as he wrapped his fingers around her jaw, purposely making it sound like a question so she'd get the hint and say atleast one to him.

Slightly pushing his face up closer towards hers as he pursed his lips and flickered his eyes down towards her lips and back up to her shut E/C eyes repeatedly, he then pushed his less dominant hand up towards her collar bone, "Y/N... Look at me.."

There was nothing but silence and Y/Ns released breath heard as she followed his orders, her glossy E/C eyes now peeling open, causing Phoenix to have a smile plastered on his lips by now, "Ahhh.. You listen so well."

Y/N couldn't believe the tone of his voice. She just leaned her head back and sent the man pleading eyes, hoping that he wouldn't do too much damage on her, "Phoenix..."

"I love it when you say my name like that. Say it again." He demanded with a chuckle at the end of his voice, his eyes wandering all over the face he thought was so gorgeous.

At this time the female didn't even know what she should've done but if it meant she wasn't going to get beat by the dark haired man, she was all in for it, even if it meant she was going to embarrass herself in front of him, "Phoenix...?"

"So good." That's when she saw him leaning his face even closer to hers while his eyes began to grow darker and even more hungrier than the last time she spoke to him, "I liked that Y/N. Could you do it again for me?"

"Phoenix...." It was all so weird to her but she told herself over and over again that she'd push through it like every other time, "Phoenix.. I have a question..."

Phoenix once tired eyes shot open and his eyebrows knitted at the woman, clearly annoyed with her interruption in their little moment he thought they had, unaware of the fact that Y/N tried not to think anything of it because she didn't like the man not one bit, "What is it?"

"Well... Why did you break up with Isabel...?" She gulped down on the lump in her throat, not even caring if this question will have her ending up dead since she was just so worried about the blonde that seemed to be on her mind twenty four seven.

He snickered at her question, looking off to the side before looking back down at the girl, "Why are you asking? Are you jealous...?"

Shrugging at the dark haired male and his question that caused her stomach to turn, she frowned a little, feeling like she was betraying the blonde woman at the moment, "Maybe I am... who knows....?"

"Awww, how cute..." she felt so weirded out by the fact that Phoenix had no problem flirting with her even after the amount of pain he'd caused on her, but she pushed those thoughts aside once she reminded herself that Phoenixes brain most likely didn't work like any other normal human being.

Y/N gulped down once again, avoiding any eye contact with the man that kept his large hands on her body, "Yeah... So why did you break up with her...?"

It was almost like he was on queue because the hand that was placed against her collar bone stared to rub her up and down, resulting in her eyes widening while her body froze, "Because I don't want her. I want somebody else."

"O-Oh..." Y/N was practically shaking at the feeling of him just rubbing on her while a him vibrated through his throat.

His other hand tightly grasped her jaw, forcing her to look up so they could actually make deep eye contact, "Plus, she was too much of a crybaby for me. I hated it. All she'd do is whine and complain... But this new girl I like... She's different..."

Y/N didn't even want to question who his new crush was, so all she did was awkwardly stare up at him while he gently squished her cheeks with each tug he pulled on her jaw, "Uhh.. Cool..."

"You're so pretty."


"You heard me. I don't compliment anyone, so I believe the words you're looking for are thank you."

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