No Not Alaerya, Sloane

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"Who's Alaerya?" Sloane asked confusion as to why these people who she's never met in her life act as though they are familiars.

"You are daughter, now stop behaving like an imbecile and help us prote Rhaenyra and Aemma." Viserys said fed up with her foolishness.

"Viserys!" Aemma said outraged by his behavior as was everyone in the room.

"Hey old man, I'm not Alaerya, my name is Sloane Aetós so don't try it" Sloane told him pissed.

"Let's get back to the question on hand, who the hell brought us here and why" Cashmere asked as Daemon eyed with love in his eyes (a foreign emotion to many seeing as it came from Daemon)  from afar completely forgetting about Rhaenyra which infuriated her.

By right Rhaenyra thought Daemon was hers, not her bastard half sister's, not Rhea Royce, not the whore from the street of silks and certainly not this unknown woman.

On the other hand Mysaria was having a battle herself, yes she was happy Daemon might have finally with someone who he might have genuine feelings for and not just this plaything. But on the other hand she needed his protection at all costs no matter the cost.

"The reason you were brought here was to watch the a portion of the event leading up to the dance of the Dragons, the death of Alaerya and her daughter's uprising. Then we'll watch the hunger games and Sloane's story" The unknown woman informed them.

"But for now take a seat and enjoy." She told them.

"Daemon, sit next to me" Rhaenyra said batting her eyelashes at him.

But all Daemon could think about was Cashmere: "Next time Rhaenyra, next time"

As he sat next to Cashmere she turned to look at him with a bored and annoyed look.

"What are you looking at?" She asked with a attitude.

"The most beautiful woman I've ever seen" He told her flashing a smile.

She just rolled her eyes and turned back to the screen while Gloss was being held back by Diana who was whispering sweet things in his ears.

As they all sat down the screen turned on.

The seating arrangements are:

Row 1: Rhaenyra, Aemma, Viserys, Lyonel.

Row 2: Effie, Haymitch, Katniss, Peeta

Row 3: Finnick, Sloane, Annie, Mags

Row 4: Diana, Gloss, Daemon, Cashmere

Row 5: Magnus, Johanna, Tyland, Valda

Row 6: Rhaenys, Corlys, Laena, Laenor

Row 7: Otto, Alicent, Snow, Mysaria

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