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TW: panic attack, nausea, fainting, heaving, swearing

Alex's POV

I'd know that voice anywhere. I glare at Colby. 

"You set this up," I growl. 

"No, I swear. I didn't know," he says. 


"What's going on?" Sam asks. 

Great he's here too. I knew it. 

"What's going on?! You three are plotting. You forced me to come here. It's because of your damn wedding, isn't it? You just want everything to be fine because we're both in the wedding!" No one responds. "Well?!" I shout, glaring at Colby again. 

Sam puts a hand on my arm. "Alex, don't-" 

"Don't tell me what to do Sam!"

Colby hurries outside and Sam follows. I just stare blankly after them. 

"I'm going to have to ask you two to leave," a worker says. 

We exit together and head over to where Colby is sitting on the curb. Sam's rubbing his back, whispering to him. 

"Shh, shh, baby, breathe. In and out," Sam is saying. 

"What happened?" I ask. 

"You triggered him," Nate says, glaring at me. 

"I don't- what?" 

"Oh come on- You know. His dad was always yelling at him and his mom and worse," Nate says. 

"I didn't- oh god, Colby," I say, starting to reach for him, to comfort him. 

"Don't," Nate says, pulling my hand away. 

"For god's sake, I'm not going to hurt him," I say.

"You really didn't know?" Nate asks, puzzled. 

"No, so let me help comfort him." 

"He doesn't want anyone but Sam touching him when he's triggered. Let's give them space," he says, leading me away. 

We sit down on a bench a little ways away from Sam and Colby. I bury my head in my hands. A hand touches my shoulder. I look up to see Nate looking at me with concern in his eyes. I can't handle that so I look away.  

"Are you alright?" 

I shake my head. "I feel awful. I shouldn't have yelled at him."

"Alex, you didn't know."

"Yeah, well. It's probably best for everyone if I just leave," I say, starting to stand up but feeling weak. I finally stand up but stumble. Nate catches me before I can fall. 

TW: Dizziness, nausea, heaving, fainting, swearing (end of italics will be end of TW)

"I'm fine," I say, breathless. 

"No, you aren't. You're shaking," he says.

"No, I'm not. I am fine Nate!"

"Then you should have no problem walking. Show me," he says. 

"I don't have to prove anything to you," I stay. 

"You want to leave? You think it's best? Then leave," he says. 

"You go first," I say. 

"So I won't see you stumble out of here? Not gonna happen," he says. 

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