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I'm not good for you," I say. 

"Colby thought that too, about Sam, but now-"

"We aren't Sam and Colby! All I do is hurt you. So I'm leaving," I say. 

"Please don't," he says, tears falling. 

The tears have barely dried on my own face and I have to leave now or I never will. I kiss him one last time. He takes my hand but I pull away and leave the room. I'm grabbing my things from the hospital when Nate comes out of his room. 

"Alex, you aren't bad for me. I know we aren't Sam and Colby. We're Nate and Alex. We're each other's soulmates. I'm not giving up. I meant it when I said I would fight for you. I wish you could see what I see. I fell in love with you for a reason. You're kind, caring, a wonderful friend and boyfriend. I'm not usually one to beg but I'm begging you, please don't walk away from me. Please don't leave." 

"Nate, this can only end badly. It already has."

He kisses me. I should pull away, I need to pull away but I can't. I can't even stop myself from kissing him back. Then he deepens the kiss and I know where this is heading and I freeze. He notices and breaks the kiss. 

"I, oh god. I'm sorry. You were already scared and I just- Damn it. I'm an idiot. I'm going to bed and you can leave like you want," he says. 

He goes into his room and shuts the door. I sigh. 

Why does it always end this way? With one of us walking away? Something has got to give.

I burst into his room and kiss him, wrapping my arms around him. He pulls away. 


"One of us is always walking away. No more. I'm staying." 

 "Really?" he asks. 

"Yeah," I say.

"Come here," he says, opening his arms for me. 

I settle into them and we lay down on the bed. I snuggle closer to him and he kisses my forehead. I feel my eyes getting heavy but I want to stay awake so we can talk. But sleep is winning. I fight to keep my eyes open. I yawn and Nate starts to run his fingers through my hair.

"Sleep love. We have time, nothing but time. I love you," he says. 

"Hmm, I love you too," I say with a yawn. 

Sleep wins and I drift off to sleep to the sound of his breathing. 

I wake up in Nate's arms, happy that we didn't move away in the night, that I'm still laying in his arms. He isn't awake yet so I just lay there, content. 

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