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Nate's POV

I wake up to find that Alex is still in my arms. He opens his eyes to look at me. I smile. 

"Good morning Nate," he says. 

"Good morning hun," I say. 

"Hun huh?" he asks. 

"Is that okay? I know we didn't exactly discuss it, us," I say. 

"It is okay. Is there still an us?" he asks. 

"Well, I want there to be an us. Do you?" I ask. 

"I do," he says. 

I kiss him and he kisses me back. 

"I love you," I say. 

"I love you too," he says. 

"Forever baby," he adds. 

"Forever," I agree. 

He kisses me deeply. I return the kiss with enthusiasm. 

"Let's just stay in bed today," he says. 

"You got it," I say. 

The next day

We meet up with Sam and Colby to finalize the plans for their wedding next week. I can't believe that they are getting married next week. 

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