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Astrid's POV

~ a few months later ~

"Alright so we have to start doing the breakup process" Danny looked at me and Billie. I look at billie who has her jaw clenched with anger.

"I fucking told you we are not doing that" She stood up slamming her hands on the table in front of her. Finneas didn't try to help Danny's case at all.

"What you guys aren't even dating!" He screamed back at Billie. His ears turned red in anger so it was just a pure anger fight.

"Yes, we fucking are" Billie pushed her hands more into the table the tips of her fingers white. Danny's face turned into a blank expression.

"What?" He sounded more confused now than angry.

"we are dating dan. We aren't doing a fake breakup for your sake."I joined in. I get up taking billie's hand leading her out of the room. She was still very mad and it was easy to see.

"Breath bil" Billie's been getting more angry lately at certain things which can get concerning at times.

I take her to the hallway sitting down with her against the wall. My thumb gently glides over her hand while she slumps over resting her head on my shoulder. It's pretty quiet in the halls when there are meetings.

"i'm sorry that I got mad" Billie's muffled voice echoed through the hall.

"Don't be sorry, you don't even need to apologize about getting mad for that" I wrapped my around her which I knew she enjoyed.

I heard a ding from her phone that was in her pocket. She didn't move at all.

"Who is it" She buried her head into my shoulder more. I reached into her pocket turning her phone on.

"It's the police?" Her head shot up looking at me with her brows furrowed. She turned to see the phone for herself. I opened the message that we both looked at.

"They found him" Billie jumped up smiling. "You don't have to worry about anyone breaking into our house anymore" Her smile widened.

I laughed at her getting up.

"Glad you don't have to worry anymore" I gave her a hug that lasted a minute. "We should go back in dont you think" I lean up against her while we walked. "Ya know. Black hair fits you well"

"Well thank you" She kissed my cheek as we walked back in.

. . .

"Yeah they found the person who did it" I told my mom. We've talked a lot more about everything. Turned out dad survived too but they both ran off. He kept her captive for years until he actually died.

"Who was it?

"That's a good question. We don't know yet but someone should be coming over soon to talk to us" I spin in my office chair looking through my notebook full of appointments. It's gotten more busy since billie announced it at one of her shows.

"Guys guys calm down for a moment! i have something to tell you! So back there is a beautiful girl that i bet you ALL have seen me with all the time" She pointed at me. Finneas gave me a nod to step out for a moment.

"She's my happiness along with all of you guys. Meet my girlfriend Astrid" She waved back at me while the crowd went wild.

Billie walks into my office then sits on my lap. Her back leans on my chest while she looks down at my agenda. I finish my conversation with my mom and then tossed my phone on the desk. My arms slithered around billie's torso while she continued to flip through the pages. Her hair was up in space buns and one of my hoodies.

"you are booked" She takes a pin out of one of my containers and starts doodling on one of the empty pages.

"Well people need their photos i guess" I watched her doodle on the pages till the page was full.

"I think it's because i'm dating you" She spoke in a serious tone but didn't take her eyes off her doodles or her pen. I let her words sink in but it was true. It's only because I'm dating Billie.

"yeah," Billie set her pen down then got up turning around to look at me. She leaned down putting her arms on the arms rest looking me dead in the eyes.

"don't get upset about it though. Your business is booming so take it as a win"  She kissed my cheek then walked out. Yeah, take it as a win.

"Oh yeah" She swung her head back into my office. "I booked us a night out somewhere but it's on the weekend and i checked you don't have any clients those days. I circled them with a red pen" She smiled then hurried off. I scooted my chair flipping through the pages till I found the red circle. I smiled then made a note of it.

In one week we are going somewhere.

I guess i fell asleep on my desk because next thing i know i was getting woken up gently.

"Hey dinner's done" Her soothing voice filled my ears while i lifted my head.

"alright" I rubbed my eyes then yawned. She rubbed my back a little not leaving me alone. She's also been very protective of me since the break in has happened. "Oh did the police or whatever come yet?"

"Not yet, still waiting for it." I get up holding her hand while we go to the kitchen. "What did you-"

"Your favorite." I could feel my mouth open at her little surprise. "You've been busy with work and i've been busy with music so i thought i could do this for both of us" Her body language said nervous in all languages.

"Let's eat then!" I ran to the kitchen looking at the plates. Billie let her laugh escape her lips while i held up her plate. "Here you go my queen" That only made her laugh more.

We both went to the couch and ate our food.

"I like this more than the other place." I stuffed more into my mouth while i saw the pink spread across her face.

"I'll make it more often then. Oh and i have an answer for you" I turn my head to look back at her with puzzlement slapped right on my face. "few months ago you asked me do you think we will last" She didn't take her eyes off the tv.


"We will last" She smiled gently looking towards me. I feel an invisible weight lifted off my shoulders that i didn't know existed. I moved closer to her while we continued eating.

Marble came around wanting to cuddle and have some good chicken. I picked him up and set him on my lap. He's not used to being with three legs right now but he will get the hang of it. I gave him a little piece then he fell asleep peacefully. 

Her phone went off again lighting up and she picked it up.

"They said they couldn't make it to talk but they said it was a man named brody owens" She looked at me and i looked at her too.

"That bitch."

(to lazy to write a chapter about brody in court.)

"He deserved that sentence. I won't have to deal with him for two years." Me and Billie walked out of the court and into billie's car.

we took a long-needed breath and then went out for the night.


"Fake" Dating || A Billie Eilish StoryWhere stories live. Discover now