The Party

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This story begins in the city of our most well-known Heeler, but this story is not about her; she won't be the protagonist this time.

Everything was going on as usual in the city. There was one month left until Bluey's birthday. Bandit would leave for an archaeological expedition but fortunately would return one day before Bluey's birthday. The party was already being organized, and they were also distributing invitations to their friends. When they received their invitations, they were all excited. However, Bluey wanted to invite someone she had never invited before: her friend Winnie.

During his expedition, Bandit and his colleagues found a mirror with a red gem on top and some very primitive (dog-like) writing in English. They studied it and collected the necessary samples. Bandit was very curious about it, so he thought, "I'll take it home to study it more thoroughly." And that's what he did. He got the necessary permits, and everything was ready to take it home. While waiting for the day of his return, he continued investigating and trying to decipher the written message. The little he understood was: "inside [...] something [...] note [...]." So he deduced that there was a note inside, but he didn't know how to retrieve it. He decided to wait until he got home.

Bluey was even more excited to learn that her birthday coincided with a lunar eclipse, so she planned to stay up a little later to watch it.

Finally, the day came for Bandit's return, and he gathered his things, permits, and headed to the airport to board the plane. He would arrive one day before Bluey's birthday, just in time.

Chilli, Bingo, and Bluey were at the airport, eagerly waiting for Bandit's arrival. When Bandit got off the plane, they hugged him, and he said, "It's time to go home and rest for your birthday, Bluey."

Bluey was happy and helped her dad with some suitcases to go home. Upon arrival, Bandit placed his expedition belongings in his study and went to bed without saying much. He was tired.

The next day was Bluey's birthday, and preparations for the party began. Bluey helped with some things and welcomed her friends as they arrived. That night, everyone was in the garden enjoying the celebration, parents and Bluey's friends. However, Bluey was not particularly interested in the lunar eclipse; she wanted to play with her friends for a little longer. So, she stayed with the last few friends, which included Mackenzie, Lucky, and Winnie. Bingo and her cousins, Muffin and Socks, were also around. Socks had fallen asleep, so only Muffin accompanied them. While the adults were outside watching the eclipse, Bluey noticed something shining with the moon's light in her father's study. It was like a little red stone in a mirror. She thought about taking the mirror to the garden to show everyone how it glowed, but she decided to show it to her friends first.

She brought the mirror to them, and they were amazed by the bright red light. They began to examine the mirror, and Bingo found a small string that, when pulled, opened a small compartment at the back of the mirror. Inside, there was a note. Bluey decided to show it to her parents and the others who were still outside. The only ones left were Pat, Fido, Stripe, and Zack (that's what Mackenzie's dad is called since he doesn't have an official name), along with their respective wives. The parents (Pat, Stripe, Fido, and Zack) went to fetch their children. The eclipse was at its peak of a blood-red color when they entered the house and saw the mirror. They asked what the kids were doing with it. The kids explained that the little stone glowed more and more as the moon turned red. They also mentioned the note and that it contained some incomprehensible words. So, they suggested, "Read them; maybe we'll understand." Bluey began to read, and as she did, the mirror turned red and glowed intensely, not just the gem. Mackenzie and the others approached, but their parents held them back, thinking that it might be dangerous since it reacted to the words. However, Pat couldn't resist his curiosity and touched it.

As soon as he placed his hand on the surface, he was completely absorbed by it. The others tried to see what was happening, and in the process, one by one, they were pulled into the mirror, holding each other's hands like a rope. While this was happening, Bluey called her father, who rushed to see what was going on, but it was too late; all four kids were gone. The other children were frightened and started crying. When the eclipse passed, and the mirror returned to its original color, Bandit didn't know what was happening. The parents comforted him, but on the other side of the mirror, there was another compartment that Mackenzie opened, revealing another note. He read it and felt a glimmer of hope, which said:

"If you are reading this, someone has entered the portal. For those who entered to return before 200 years have passed, they must find the Dimensional Tablet. To reach them, you must place this note in the mirror, and only the note will be allowed entry, not anyone else."

The note had a map that no one recognized. Nonetheless, they followed the instructions, and the note sank into the mirror, disappearing as they said, "I hope they can come back."

On the other side, the four kids were confused and scared. The note appeared floating in front of them, and they read it, feeling sad because 200 years meant "never" returning. They said, "The Dimensional Tablet, I don't think it will be easy to find." They saw a village in the distance and decided to go there to seek help. So, they started walking towards the village.

I'm sorry if is not the best translation I trying.

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