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They started walking towards the village, admiring the beautiful landscape surrounding them. They were in a grassy plain with the village in the distance, surrounded by mountains. Far away, they could see a huge mountain with a light at its peak. They continued walking until they reached the village, where they saw a sign that read: "Welcome to BrookVille."

Pat said, "What a beautiful place, but what if the people here speak a different language or don't accept us?"

"I hope nothing bad happens. Look, they seem friendly," Zack said, pointing at some people (dogs in this universe, like Bluey).

Feeling a bit uncertain, they decided to enter, and the villagers greeted them kindly. When they reached the center of the village, they decided to ask someone about the place and other details. They introduced themselves as outsiders who didn't know much about the area. The villager kindly replied that they were in BrookVille, a peaceful village at the entrance to the region. However, despite its apparent tranquility, they lived under the rule of a malevolent entity called Eliptron. He had obtained immense power from a mysterious dark force, and even though they lived in "peace," they were forced to offer tributes and worship him as a deity. They were also compelled to participate in dark rituals to maintain his power. The kids noticed that the villagers seemed gray and lifeless, as if they lacked energy. Nervous and scared, they decided to ask about the "Dimensional Tablet." The villager told them that an ancient legend spoke of four warriors from another world who would confront Eliptron and defeat him with the help of the tablet. After his defeat, they would disappear from the world without a trace, leaving only witnesses behind. However, the villagers had lost hope since many years had passed, and the "warriors" had never appeared. Still, the villager informed them that they could find more in-depth information from the wise elder of the village, Agnes, who lived in a house nearby.

Grateful for the information, they made their way to Agnes' house. When they knocked on the door, an elderly dog opened it. Her eyes sparkled, and her fur showed signs of age, but her sweet voice exuded wisdom. She greeted them as if she somehow knew them.

"Ah, the chosen ones. I have been awaiting your arrival for so many years," she said. They exchanged puzzled glances, and Stripe exclaimed, "What? Chosen ones? No way! We just got here, and now we're the 'chosen ones'? You must be confusing us with someone else." The old dog smiled and said, "I know you're scared and confused, but let me explain. Come inside." The kids hesitated, but in the end, they followed her, although Stripe remained skeptical.

Inside, Agnes said, "Please, take a seat, and I'll explain everything." They sat on some chairs in her beautifully decorated house with a medieval touch. She took out a book and began recounting the tale:

According to the ancient legend, when Eliptron seized power, only four warriors from another world could defeat him. These warriors would not be affected by his energy-absorbing spell. To defeat him, they needed four gems scattered across the four realms of this place. Agnes then turned to Zack and said, "That note you have in your hand, show it to me." Zack handed her the note, and she said, "This is the map of the places you must travel to reach the mountain, where Eliptron resides. There you will find the other gems." Fido interrupted, "Wait, excuse me, but we are searching for the Dimensional Tablet, not to defeat Eliptron." Agnes replied, "Of course, but he guards the tablet, and it will only activate with all four gems together."

Zack added, "How do we know all of this is real and not just something you made up?" Agnes smiled, then brought out a small chest. "Here is your answer. Open it." Inside, there was a black-and-white gem that matched Zack's fur. Agnes said, "Take it. This is the ancient gem of destiny that was meant for me. Let's see what happens, as it will only respond to the chosen one destined to wield it, and no one else." Hesitant, Zack took the gem, and it started glowing. He dropped it in surprise, but Agnes reassured him, saying, "Don't be frightened; this is completely normal. You've just given me an idea. Let's show the entire village that you are the chosen ones they've been waiting for."

Zack was unsure, but Agnes paid no attention to his protests and led them outside. She called all the villagers, explaining the situation. Soon, the whole village gathered before them, and she declared, "Finally, after so many years, the four chosen ones have arrived!" The village erupted in excitement, shouting joyfully, "Yes, finally! They've come to save us!" Agnes then said, "Now, I will hand the gem to the first chosen one." With everyone watching, Zack nervously accepted the gem. Once again, it began to glow, and he felt magical energy flowing through him. A magical sword appeared in his hands, and a shining armor materialized around him. The others looked on in amazement, confirming that they were indeed the chosen ones destined to face Eliptron. The village cheered with excitement, and Agnes said, "That's all for now. The other four gems await you. Follow the map until you reach the Enchanted Forest, but be careful; the path is filled with malevolent creatures that will try to attack you. With the powers you'll gain along the way, you should be able to defeat them. For now, Zack, since I know all your names, you are responsible for protecting your companions."

Thus, their journey began. They bid farewell to Agnes, who whispered to herself, "You are our only hope. I and the ancient ancestors believe you can overcome this," as she watched them fade into the distance.

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