The Mountain of Darkness

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Continued reading the book, they learned that they needed to head towards the mountain with the red light at the top. However, there was a small problem; Eliptron had enchanted the mountain with a spell called "Enveloping Mist": an extensive fog that reduced visibility and had a strange magical ability that weakened the powers and abilities of those within.

Stripe: "Umm... this isn't good. It'll make things much harder, and we're nobody without our magical abilities."

Zack: "I guess we'll have to do our best with what's left of our powers."

Stripe: "Sure, it's easy for someone with a sword instead of a wand." He said with a somewhat annoyed expression.

Fido: "Maybe it won't weaken us too much."

Pat: "Great, I just obtained my powers, and now they're going to be diminished."

There was no other option, so they walked towards the mountain. Once they arrived, they found themselves at the bottom of it, and they saw the path they had to follow. But the visibility was terrible due to the dense fog, and there was a sign that read:

"Warning! From this point onward, there will be no way to leave. You'll be trapped within a half shield that allows no exit, only entry."

Fido: "Well, now I'm not sure about this."

Zack: "Me neither, but it's the only way to go back home."

Pat: "There's no turning back." (He said to himself in his mind)

Stripe: "Can't we find a way to undo it?"

Zack: "According to the book (they carried the book with them)... No."

Fido: "Alright, let's do this!"

They entered the mountain and tried to go back, but they couldn't leave anymore.

Stripe: "Hey, do you all feel... weaker?"

Everyone confirmed they did.

Pat: "Well, I feel the same. Then he heard a voice saying: "Pat, here, I grant you divine protection against that spell. But I cannot give it to your friends because by divine limits and a pact I made, I can only bestow it on one member at a time. And I don't interfere with Eliptron because mortal affairs are something I cannot meddle with."

Fido: "Pat! Pat! Pat!" (Shaking him by the shoulders)

Pat: "What happened?"

Zack: "You were staring at the sky with hypnotized eyes and not responding."

Pat: "A deity spoke to me and said that it granted me protection from the spell."

As he said that, a halo of strange letters formed around his feet.

Stripe: "Wow! What is that?"

Pat: "They said it's only for me because of 'divine matters,' and they can only give it to one person at a time."

Fido: "How unfair! Well, at least I'm immune."

Pat: "I don't know, that's what they told me."

Zack: "That's how deities always are... but we have to continue."

They walked through a mostly empty path; the ground was barely visible. Then, Fido stumbled and fell, hurting himself on the rocks. He rubbed his hands and saw a bit of blood.

Fido: "What? How is this possible? What about my invulnerability?"

Zack: "Oh no, this isn't good. This spell is more powerful than we thought."

Pat: "Allow me to heal you." (He invoked a spell, and Fido's wound vanished as if nothing happened)

Fido: "Thanks, Pat."

They continued walking along the rocky path, being cautious not to fall. Suddenly, they felt a strange presence, and shadow-like monsters trapped them. They managed to free themselves, and Zack tried his usual Deadly Gaze jump. But this time, it didn't work; the eye barely formed and couldn't hit the monster.

Zack: "This can't be! It should have worked. I should have killed them!" (He felt more tired and exhausted than usual when trying to use his special attack)

Stripe tried to create the Tower of Flames, but it came out as a weak flame. So, there was no choice but to attack the monsters up close.

Zack attempted to cut them with his sword, impaling one. Fido could barely fly, so he impaled another in the head, killing it. Only one remained, and Pat tried to help by jumping like Zack. This time, the spell didn't affect him, and it worked. It was a new and unfamiliar attack, the Divine Strike. The weakened enemy exploded into particles that rose towards the red crystal.

Stripe looked a bit down by the roadside.

Stripe: "I'm sorry, but I'm not helpful anymore. I'm worthless without my powers. At least Zack and Fido can attack up close, but me... This stupid wand is useless."

Pat: "Of course, you are still useful. Magic hasn't disappeared; it's just weaker."

Stripe: "Sure, you have help from... God! I don't, and if my magic is weak, my attacks are useless."

Zack: "Don't worry, as long as we stick together, we'll be fine. Together, we're a team, and you can distract enemies."

Stripe: "I don't want to be just a distraction."

Pat: "Well, you still have your powers; they're just weaker. You can still attack."

Stripe, a bit hesitant but still accepting, agreed.

They continued walking towards the mountain, and soon, it was getting dark. They entered a small cave they found nearby, lit a fire using Stripe's power, and ate the remaining food they had from the fairies. While discussing strategies for attacking the enemies mentioned in the book.

Stripe: (sighs) Although I have to admit, I'm a bit worried. Will our powers really be enough to defeat the final villain?

Zack: "Of course, Stripe! So far, we've overcome all the obstacles we've faced. I believe that together, we are invincible."

Pat: "Besides, let's not forget that I have divine protection now. That will also give us an advantage."

Fido: "You're right, Pat. You are our guardian and healer. Your healing powers will be crucial to keep us standing during the battle."

Stripe: (nods) I suppose I shouldn't doubt us. We've come this far together and proven to be a strong and united team. We must trust in our abilities and in our friendship.

As they talked and mentally prepared themselves, the cave filled with warmth from the fire, creating a comforting atmosphere.

Zack: (looking at the book) According to the book, there are still powers to discover and techniques we can perfect. It's time to make the most of this time and learn all we can.

Fido: (smiling) I'm ready to put my trident to the test and see how my enemies disappear into the abyss! Although, of course, I'll be very weak, so let's see what I can do.

Stripe: (regaining confidence) I commit to perfecting my Tower of Flames and ensuring it becomes a powerful weapon against the final villain.

Zack: That's the spirit, guys. Let's keep training and perfecting our abilities. When the time comes, we'll be more than ready to face any challenge.


continued discussing strategies and practicing their powers as the night advanced. The mountain was wrapped in mysterious silence, but inside the cave, the determination and camaraderie of our heroes filled the atmosphere. They were ready to face the final villain and unleash their full potential.

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