Face to Face Part 3

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They decided to leave the cave since being trapped inside would render them powerless, and Fido would likely find them anyway.
(Inhaling and exhaling deeply, standing at the cave entrance, knowing that Fido might be lurking nearby) "We need to get out of here. What are we doing? Look at me, I have no powers, and I still trust you," said Pat, filled with determination.

"Sure, but if Fido is out there, he'll do to us what he did to Zack, and without powers, there's nothing we can do. It's certain death," said Stripe.

After a brief moment of discussion, they decided to leave. They removed the stone they had placed as a barrier and stepped outside. They looked around to see if Fido was nearby, knowing that the battle against him was imminent. The three of them prepared to face the possessed dog. Although hope sparkled in their eyes, there was also a knot of uncertainty in their hearts. They had only one chance to undo the possession and stop Fido before he caused more harm.
They tried to peer through the fog and caught a glimpse, far in the distance, of a shadow with completely white eyes.

Fido was approaching rapidly, emitting threatening growls. His eyes gleamed with white, a clear sign of his possession. It seemed like he was struggling internally; the brown part of him was battling against the shadowy blackness for control of his body. Fido was in a fierce fight against the entity.

In a moment of utter despair, Fido stopped. The air filled with a strange energy, and a voice resonated in the minds of the three. It was Fido's voice, struggling to make itself heard.

"Help me! I'm fighting against this thing for control of my body. I can't control it, but I don't want to hurt anyone else. Please, do something," Fido pleaded. Then, a malevolent voice emerged as the brown part of Fido disappeared, leaving only the shadow with white eyes.

"Don't listen to that bastard! I AM ABBADON, NOT FIDO. AND NOW YOU MUST WORSHIP ME AND MY MASTER ELIPTRON, OR YOU WILL SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES," said the voice speaking from Fido's body.

Hearing the words of their former companion, despite the danger Fido represented, they remembered the good times they had shared and the loyalty that had once bound them.

"Stripe, we have to help him!" exclaimed Zack, looking at his possessed friend with determination.

Stripe nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. Although confronting Fido was dangerous, they knew that the possessing creature was the true threat.

The three of them joined forces and devised a new plan. They needed to distract the dark entity controlling Fido long enough to cast the spell that would nullify the possession.

Fido, struggling with all his might, lunged at them. The creature tried to unleash a demonic whisper, just as it did with Zack, attempting to finish them off once and for all. But they were prepared. They knew that keeping it distracted would render the whisper ineffective.

So, they attacked in their weakened state, thanks to the fog. Stripe's tower of flames caused significant damage, being a powerful spell. Zack, while Fido was focused on Stripe, executed the "deadly gaze" move, striking him. As it combined a physical attack with a spell, it dealt damage. As best they could, they surrounded him and managed to take away his trident.

The evil Fido grew furious. He struck Stripe, sending him flying. He then turned towards Zack, quickly grabbing him by the neck, choking him, and spoke with an even more wicked voice and sinister vacant eyes.

"You again, piece of trash? I already finished you off, and here you are again. Don't make me finish you off once more." Fido, trapped within his own body, saw Zack and said, "He's alive. I didn't kill him..."
But upon witnessing the harm he was causing, he began to fight for control of his body, inflicting pain on the creature. He made it release Zack, and he began clutching his head.

Meanwhile, Pat, hidden as he was vulnerable due to lacking powers, read the book. It revealed that once the liberation spell was cast, the freed creature had to be imprisoned in a celestial bubble as it could possess someone else. So, he memorized the spell and aided Stripe in getting up, telling him what to do and say. The timing was perfect; the creature was preoccupied with its internal struggle against Fido.

Stripe ran, with Pat following close behind. In one final effort, Stripe leaped onto Fido and touched his body with Pat's staff, unleashing the spell's power. A flash of golden light enveloped Fido, and the dark entity possessing him was expelled from his body. Following Pat's instructions, Stripe cast the spell, and the creature was sealed within the celestial bubble. They put a spell on Zack's sword and used it to vanquish the creature entirely.

Fido collapsed to the ground, exhausted and bewildered. His eyes, now free, saw the others. There were no words to express everything they felt at that moment. They had been reunited.
He approached the three and embraced them all, saying, "Thank you, you have no idea how much I suffered in there. And Zack, I thought you were dead."

"Well, Pat revived me," Zack said.
Fido placed his hand on Zack's shoulder and said, "For a moment, I thought I had killed you."

Zack, slightly relieved, hugged him and said, "You did, but look, here I am. Anyway, thank you, thank you for saving me; you sacrificed yourself for me."

The battle had left them all exhausted, but it had also renewed their determination. Together, they helped each other to their feet and headed back inside the cave. They made a campfire and rested from all the commotion. They shared their individual experiences with one another.

The next day, despite the fog, the sun shone on the horizon, and the fresh air was beautiful. They knew that the fight against Eliptron was not over yet, but now they had a new hope, more experience, and unity.

Although they knew that the battle against Eliptron was far from over, this experience taught them not to be overconfident, for there were powerful enemies to face. The hope of obtaining the dimensional board gave them the courage to carry on.

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