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Quick note from the author, I want to inform you that this chapter will be a little colder and harsher than usual, just a bit. Enjoy the reading.

Once inside, they ventured further into that place. The ground had a reddish hue, and the fog obscured everything around them. They were at the top of the mountain, and they could also see where the light was coming from—a massive red stone shining towards the sky. In front of them was a huge entrance and a dark room with what seemed to be the floating table in the middle.

"And where's the famous Eliptron?" said Fido.

Then a deep, thunderous voice like lightning was heard.

"Here I am. Did you come to die or to be humiliated?"

"We came to defeat you," said Stripe confidently.

Then that voice emerged from the shadows, and what they saw was his imposing presence, standing much larger and taller than anyone they had seen before. His body was covered by dark and twisted armor, merging with the shadow around him, exuding an aura of darkness and malice.

His eyes, shining in intense crimson red, emanated sinister energy, revealing his corrupt and malevolent nature. When he fixed his gaze on someone, he could instill a sense of terror and despair, making it clear that he was willing to do anything to achieve his goal of domination.

"Well, well, well... new heroes, who seem to be unaffected by the spell on the ground. Well, you finished off my little pet at the entrance. Too bad the other 6 who came to defeat me were not as lucky. Oh, and 2 were like you, black and white little dog." He chuckled in a wicked and mocking way.

The heroes prepared for the confrontation, using their abilities and powers in an attempt to harm Eliptron. However, their attacks seemed to be doing some damage this time.

Fido, with his trident in hand, launched powerful magical attacks, impaling Eliptron with his annihilator tridents. Eliptron screamed and made sounds of pain, but he didn't defend himself.

"That's strange," said Fido, bewildered. "Why does it seem like he's not defending himself at all?"

Stripe, invoking his magic, created enormous ice spikes that appeared to inflict significant damage on Eliptron.

Zack, determined with his sword in hand, attacked Eliptron with precise strikes. However, the enemy's dark armor absorbed the force of the attacks without showing any signs of weakness.

"It doesn't make sense! We can't defeat him!" exclaimed Zack with frustration.

"Well, it seems like you're the one hurting him," said Fido with a somewhat mocking tone.

"But why isn't he fighting back?" Zack wondered.

"I don't know, maybe he gave up. Let's take advantage of it."

The heroes, confused but determined to take advantage of Eliptron's apparent surrender, redoubled their efforts to attack him. Pat, channeling his divine power, released a powerful burst of energy towards Eliptron, hoping to weaken him. However, the impact only seemed to graze the enemy's armor, not causing any real effect.

"Damn it, what's happening?" Pat exclaimed, frustrated by Eliptron's lack of response. "We can't let him escape without receiving his punishment!"

Stripe, searching for an opportunity, took advantage of the distraction and cast a fire tower spell directly at Eliptron. As the fiery flames engulfed the enemy, he emitted a different sound from what he had produced so far, as if that attack had really hurt him.

"We've got him!" exclaimed Stripe, excited. "Our attack reached him!"

Fido, seeing an opportunity to increase the damage, joined Stripe's attack, using the "annihilator tridents" against Eliptron. The discharge hit the enemy's armor, generating sparks and a sound of pain.

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