The Crash

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My walkman is playing and i'm planning to sit alone while boarding super rich Lottie Matthews daddy's as she likes to call him, expensive top tier plane.

I like Lottie. She may come off as the greedy, wealthy, spoiled brat who only cares about her reputation because of where she comes from, but thats what I like about her. She's much more than her so called "reputation" and her public image.

We don't talk much, but she's a great teammate to have around and I really wish we talked more often.

Problem is, I'm not the greatest at making friends. I'm much more reserved and kept to myself as apposed to Lotties outgoing and ball of energy personality. I wish I could be more like her.

All I have is my best friend Kevyn, which I only have him as a friend because he basically did all the talking till I finally felt at ease and comfortable with him. I would love to make someone feel safe with me. I think that's genuinely impossible for me to do though I mean hello?? look at me. I don't stand a chance.

I'm pretty sure Lottie thinks i'm weird or a jerk. I can come off quite rude sometimes. My temper is quite short, but I never mean any harm, most of the time at least. Never to Lottie though, even though whenever i'm around her the only things that come out of my mouth seem so shitty and it makes me feel like a dick.

Do you ever feel like you can never get yourself to compliment somebody? Like showing affection is the hardest thing in the world?

It seems everyone is so excited to go to nationals, But me, I'm overthinking everything, stressing out because I can't ruin it now. My dad would NEVER forgive me. I just don't wanna disappoint him especially not in senior year when he's literally flying with us there to watch.

I can't stop letting my thoughts get the best of me I don't even know where to sit. I eventually sit next to Mari. She's pretty shitty to me but I still consider her my friend.

See the thing is, people think i'm just some super high class, money hungry, typical rich girl who's super popular but really, I don't have many friends. Real ones at least. I look at it like everyone knows of me, but they don't know me.

I always thought having such a high reputation would be cool so why do I feel like i'm a nobody? I feel crappy saying that because I know tons of people would die to have the life I have. They will never realize that the "life I have" is not so pretty and perfect as they think.

Money doesn't buy you happiness. Neither will shitty parents..


After a short while everything seemed to be going good. Natalie was in her own world staring out the window while the headphones on her head made her hair lay in the most perfect way. But then you look across the aisle of the plane to see Mari is bashing on Lottie for some apparent reason.

Knowing Mari though, her reasoning would just be "being a bitch" It seems to be Mari and Lottie had gotten into it but Lottie has obviously given up on arguing but Mari could not be bothered to keep her mouth shut and has clearly taken it too far as you can see a small tear slowly rolling down Lotties face.

She was trying to hold it in. She knew crying would make her seem weak and sensitive. But thats just the thing. Lottie is in fact sensitive if not the most on the team.

As Mari makes a comment about Lotties tears, She frantically wipes her face while jolting out of her seat looking around. The only open seat is next to Natalie as she is the only one sitting alone.

Lottie was sure that Natalie didn't take any interest in her but any seat would be better than next to Mari.

Lotties nose is sniffling, her eyes are puffy, and her eyelashes are ever so slightly damp from her tears filling up her brown eyes as she sits down next to Natalie.

Natalie could feel that someone has sat down next to her. The fact that it was Lottie Matthews sitting next to her though, Natalie couldn't believe it.

She didn't know what to do. She sat there staring at her while her music played in her ears, but it became muffled and almost drowned out from watching her like she was the girl in her favorite bands music video. The girl that the song was written for to be specific.

Lottie was staring down at the ground, fidgeting her feet as she accidentally brushed up against Natalie's beat up converse snapping her back into reality.

Lottie was quick to try and apologize knowing how Natalie can act about her belongings but she was cut off by a "You good?" from Natalie in a soft tone.

She had noticed she had been crying, it wasn't hard to tell. Natalie was clearly frustrated at herself that all she could say was "You good?" but Lottie took it way differently. She couldn't believe that Natalie Scatorccio somewhat seemed to care instead of making fun of her or messing with her.

"I'm alright." was her hesitant reply. Natalie could tell she wasn't alright but her mind was completely blank on what to say. She couldn't ruin this, No one was around so she felt more at ease talking to Lottie.

All of a sudden thats when strange noises and a smoke smell are coming from the plane. Clearly something was wrong. Then out of nowhere they're flying down towards the ground at the speed of light.

Natalie is still staring at Lottie in an awkward silence as her eyes fill with tears knowing now she would never get the words she'd like to say to Lottie out of her mouth.

Lottie looks over back to Natalie feeling awful. She had not once seen even a glimpse of a tear in Natalie's eyes.

As she stared into her watercolored eyes, the plane aggressively shaking caused her to fall right on top of Natalie's arm and without thought her first instinct was to latch onto Natalies arm to avoid being hurt.

Natalie wasn't the greatest with touch so she sat there awkwardly while Lottie latched onto her smooth leather jacket. Even though she clearly enjoyed feeling her touch as she felt more safe during this terrifying time.

Lotties eyes were completely shut while Natalie hesitantly took her other hand to place on top of Lotties who was gripping on for dear life as the plane came to a violent landing...

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