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Lottie is panicking like crazy, she is running full speed back to the cabin.

Hyperventilating, she's almost out of breath.

After a few minutes that seemed like forever, she finally sees the cabin only about 20 feet away from her, she takes a few more steps then...

"Lottie wake up!" "Lottie can you hear me!?" "Lottie Lottie Lottie!!!" It's Nat, trying to shake her awake as she lays there on the cold dirty ground of the wilderness.

Nat is crying harder than anyones ever seen her cry before.

She didn't even cry this much when her dad died.

Everyone is crowded around Nat kneeling over Lotties unconscious body.

Nat looks around in panic, "Misty, aren't you like a doctor or something!? FUCKING HELP HER!"

The anger in Nat's voice was insane, you could tell she wasn't messing around. Misty quickly knelt down to try and help.

Misty put her hand on Lotties neck to check for a pulse. "She has a pulse but.. its not looking very good.."

"WELL FUCKING FIX IT MISTY HURRY!" Nat is pacing back and forth, hands on her head, shes worried out of her mind.

Misty is panicking just as much. Her hands are shaking uncontrollably. Her lips are quivering she can't even utter a word. She's so frightened that her mind has gone blank and she doesn't even know what to do anymore. "I- I..."


Without hesitation Nat then pushes Misty onto her back out of the way of Lottie.

Now Nat is in control.

Nat's never done anything like this before, she can't fuck this up.

She places her hands over her chests and starts performing CPR. Nat spoke to unconscious Lottie as she pressed down harder and harder each time. "Lottie cmon stay with me, wake up!" tears filled her eyes as she spoke out.

Still no life from Lottie, Nat proceeds to try mouth to mouth CPR instead.

Not exactly sure on how to do it, she tries it anyway.

Nat goes on and on, continuing to go back and forth from mouth to mouth to open chest CPR until....

A huge gasp of air is heard from Lottie as her eyes shoot open.

Nat did it. She fucking did it!

Nat feels her whole body start to relax knowing Lottie is okay as she gives her a huge hug gripping onto her as tight as possible.

"I knew you would make it." Nat said tears streaming down her face while Lottie remained silent.

The rest of the team didn't let them have their moment though unfortunately, instead they all just completely disregarded Lotties wellbeing not even asking if she was okay, they just went straight to Travis.

"Where's Travis?" "Lottie Where's Travis!?" "Have you seen Travis, Lottie?" the bombarding went on and on.

"CAN YOU GUYS SHUT UP AND GIVE HER A MINUTE TO GET HER MIND STRAIGHT?" Nat yelled turning around to face them while her hands remained around Lotties waist.

"Okay well she's alive. Do you understand that? How are we supposed to know if Travis is or not?" an impatient Jackie spoke out.

"I'm sure she will answer your questions just give her some time okay? She was just unconscious be a little bit more considerate." Nat replied.

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