Normal Love Story

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"I love you so fucking much Lottie."
"Theirs nothing better than hearing you say that." Lottie replied with tears filling her eyes.

Nat felt as if she was moving too quickly. She didn't want to rush things on Lottie or pressure her into something she wasn't fully ready for.

She's just young and in love.

She can't help it.

That term is used pretty frequently but this was different for Nat.

Nat had lots of terrible shit happen to her involving "love." Of course now, she realizes that wasn't even close to "love."

It was no where near close to how she feels about Lottie Matthews.

She doesn't feel like she loves her, she knows she does.

Nat is still burrowed in Lotties arms until she finally backs away wiping her tears.

Lottie looks at her full of love.

It's almost like she's in a daze, as if her eyes were literal heart eyes..

She walks up to Nat putting her arm around her shoulder, leading her back inside the cabin as they both continue to wipe their watery eyes and sniffle their noses.

They go upstairs where they sit down on the hard wooden floor, under a shared blanket, staring out the window.

Nat's eyes started to become blurry again, she knew she wouldn't be able to contain her tears.

"I just wish we didn't have to fall for each other in this way." .... Nat was beginning to break down.

Lottie rubbed her back to comfort Nat as she sat and listened.

Nat felt more calmed down with the support and continued to talk,

"I've always had a thing for you Lot, I always imagined a perfect life with you. A normal love story. I just wish we could love like everybody else. Do all the things couples do. Just live our lives together... Normally."

Her tears flowed down her face like a river stream.

"Just be dumb fucking teenagers in love."

They both let out a short quick laugh. They thought deep love confessions in movies were just so corny and fake..

Until it was them living the love confession.

It was real, it was passionate, it was love.

"Thats the most i've ever heard you speak in your whole life." Lottie finally said teasingly to Nat.

"Hey, don't give up hope okay? When we get back home we can do everything you ever imagined. Our story is not over, you know that right? It's just starting."

"Who knows if we'd even make it this far if we were back at home, at least you got what you wanted, me. It may not be under the best conditions but i'm still here. Enjoy it. We can love each other anywhere."

Silence filled the cabin.

The thoughts in their minds ran wild as they stared into each others eyes.

"I love you too Natalie. So fucking much."

Nat's mood instantly changed. Who knew those few words would automatically make her feel all better.

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